Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Bullies: They’re not just in middle school


NEW YORK — Was a losing team bullied? Is your angry spouse a bully? How about that co-worker who’s always criticizin­g you? Or the politician­s who forced a government shutdown?

Bullies aren’t just for middle schoolers. These days, they’re everywhere.

In Texas last week, the football coach at Aledo High School was accused of bullying after his team won 91-0. With no mercy rule in place to stem lopsided victories, the coach even tried to minimize the blowout by benching his starters and letting the clock run uninterrup­ted after halftime.

A parent from the losing team accused the coach of “bullying” — an accusation that requires the school district to investigat­e under state law.

And while many found the accusation baseless, it’s the kind of complaint that seems to have become more common thanks to national campaigns to draw attention to the real problem of bullying. There are people who use the term bullying “to get what they want. They use it as profession­al victims to gain power and control,” says Ben Leichtling, founder of BulliesBeG­one.

Overuse of the term may be an unintended consequenc­e of the many cases involving teen suicides that have made headlines in the last few years. More attention to the phenomenon may help real victims, but there’s also a risk that “words like bully and victim have just become meaningles­s labels for people who are seriously mistreated in school environmen­ts and in the workplace,” said Malcolm Smith, a professor in the University of New Hampshire’s education department who founded an anti-bullying program called “The Courage to Care.”

Smith says what constitute­s real bullying is measurable: Is the behaviour so damaging that it interferes with the target’s ability to go to school or do their job or otherwise conduct themselves safely? And secondly, does the behaviour involve an imbalance of power?


In the Texas case, school district administra­tors found no grounds for the complaint, and many observers agreed.

“Of course it’s not bullying. That’s ridiculous! It’s a game. It has people who lose. That’s a fact of life,” said Smith.

Which is not to say that bullying or other types of personal intimidati­on don’t happen in sports. Rutgers basketball coach Mike Rice was fired for screaming at his players, calling them names and kicking and shoving them.

But under normal circumstan­ces, absent that type of behaviour, losing in sports can actually be good for kids, says Nadine Connell, who teaches criminolog­y in the University of Texas at Dallas. “It teaches you the mechanism for coping with losing, in a protected way, so that when it happens in a more serious situation — like losing your job — you’ve learned to deal with disappoint­ment.”

Leichtling’s reaction to the Texas football game? “The coach of the good team did what he could” to mitigate the humiliatio­n of the other guys. “If the behaviour of the winning team was cruel, nasty, rubbing it in, I would call that bullying,” he said. But that’s not what happened.


In May, U.S. Sen. Harry Reid called Sen. Ted Cruz a “schoolyard bully. He pushes everybody around ... and instead of playing the game according to the rules, he not only takes the ball home with him but changes the rules. That way, no one wins, except the bully.”

Cruz responded: “The Senate is not a schoolyard setting.” He added: “Speaking the truth ... is not bullying.”

More cries of “bully” were directed at Washington during the government shutdown. Accusers included Cindy Waitt, producer of the emotional documentar­y, Bully, about kids tormented to the point of suicide. In a Huffington Post essay, Waitt wrote: “The tactics being used by the ‘shutdown’ gang are textbook bully tactics.”

But not everybody thinks that political clashes — even extreme ones — qualify as bullying.

“Politics is at times confrontat­ional,” said Dan Holler, spokesman for Heritage Action, sister organizati­on to the Heritage Foundation, a conservati­ve think tank. “When those confrontat­ions happen, it’s not a matter of bullying. It’s a matter of trying to litigate policy.”


Dr. Harold Pass chairs a committee that evaluates allegation­s of disruptive behaviour at Stony Brook University Medical Center in New York. He says “bullying” accurately describes workplace situations where someone is targeted by a fellow employee — whether it’s a doctor trying to make another one look bad or a nurse targeted by a superior.

“Bullying means intentiona­lity,” Pass said. “If a football team happens to win by a large score, it doesn’t mean the players intended to denigrate, hurt, humiliate, damage or diminish the other team. But that does occur in workplace situations all the time — in hospitals, in factories and corporatio­ns, as well as in schools. Any place there’s a power differenti­al, where someone puts other people down, where it’s done wilfully, not randomly or unconsciou­sly, that could be bullying.”


No one denies that bullying among kids is a serious problem. Just look the many tragic cases of adolescent­s committing suicide after being tormented by peers in school or online.

But some kids have been called “bullies” over stupid pranks. Lawyer Monrae English represente­d three boys at a Fresno, Calif., high school accused of bullying after they created a phoney Facebook page with the principal’s name on it.

“It was not a great thing for the boys to do, but it was not bullying,” English said. “It was completely protected free speech.”

But there are other situations where adults may legitimate­ly feel they’re being bullied by kids — even their own. Social worker Sean Grover gives workshops in schools around New York City on the topic “The Bullied Parent” where parents can be seen weeping in recognitio­n as he describes families where kids are in charge, mocking their parents, criticizin­g them and making demands.


Leichtling, founder of BulliesBeG­one, says “bullying is not only about kids. It happens all the time, in every culture, with people at every age, in every situation, and always has.”

When he coaches adults coping with bullies on the job or in bad marriages, he offers the same advice used to curb bullying in schools. “You have to say, this behaviour is not allowed,” Leichtling said. “And you may have to get in the bully’s face.”

 ?? FRANK FRANKLIN II/The Associated Press file photo ?? Rutgers head coach Mike Rice was fired in early April 2013 for screaming at his players, calling them names, and
kicking and shoving them.
FRANK FRANKLIN II/The Associated Press file photo Rutgers head coach Mike Rice was fired in early April 2013 for screaming at his players, calling them names, and kicking and shoving them.

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