Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Drunk man didn’t know his jacked-up truck hit police cruiser, lawyer says


REGINA — Between the height of his jacked-up truck and his elevated bloodalcoh­ol level, a 22-year-old Regina man didn’t see the stopped police cruiser he hit.

But Matthew Balogh found out Tuesday that the law can strike back, when a judge slapped him with a $2,000 fine, a $300 surcharge and a one-year driving prohibitio­n.

When told it was the first time Balogh had driven drunk, Regina Provincial Court Judge Jeff Kalmakoff said, “I hope it’s the last time.”

Balogh originally faced seven charges, but the bulk of them were stayed when he pleaded guilty to drunk driving.

He was at the wheel of a pickup truck, modified with a lift kit, that side-swiped a police cruiser then drove off shortly before 3 a.m. on March 15, 2013. According to a news release issued at the time, the crash happened after police had pulled over a suspected impaired driver near the intersecti­on of Park Street and Ross Avenue. Two officers were in the cruiser at the time it was hit.

Crown prosecutor Norma Quaroni told court the officers suffered sore necks and headaches while the cruiser sustained about $200 worth of damage.

Balogh, who also hit a snowbank that morning, was stopped by a separate police vehicle near the outskirts of the city.

“He seemed very confused,” said Quaroni, who noted his breathalyz­er readings were around twice the legal limit.

Defence lawyer Sharon Fox said Balogh kept going because he wasn’t even aware, given the height of his truck, that he had struck the police car.

“This is completely out of character for him,” she added.

Asked by the judge if he had anything further to add, Balogh replied, “I’m really sorry I have to be here.”

Kalmakoff told Balogh he was fortunate both the damage and injuries were minor.

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