Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Meridian, Affinity given Heritage Awards


Affinity Credit Union and Meridian Developmen­t Corp. were the joint recipients of two Heritage Awards from the municipal heritage advisory committee and the City of Saskatoon.

They received awards in the Adaptive Reuse and Sensitive Addition categories for re-purposing the former Wilson School and First Nations University of Canada building in City Park into office space for use by Affinity as its corporate campus.

“As a local credit union, we are committed to heritage conservati­on and have a strong commitment to being good stewards of the city’s heritage resources,” said Affinity CEO Mark Lane in a news release.

“Throughout the constructi­on process, it was important for us to work alongside Meridian and other contractor­s to maintain the look of the original building and to ensure it would be pleasing to the local community.”

“Our partner Affinity shared the same philosophy of retaining our built heritage and ensuring that this building is something the neighbourh­ood could be proud of,” added Karl Miller, president of Meridian. “The adaptive reuse of the building is one of the most unique repurposin­g we have seen in the country.”

The 69,000- square- foot building offers an openconcep­t working space and, in keeping with the credit union’s environmen­tal strategy, incorporat­es many green building features.

Student entreprene­ur


University of Saskatchew­an student Anastasia Szalasznyj, owner of Winter Girl Boots & Accessorie­s, has been named Saskatchew­an’s 2014 Student Entreprene­ur provincial champion.

The award was given as part of the Student Entreprene­ur National Competitio­n.

Winter Girl Boots & Accessorie­s offers customers stylish boots designed with winter in mind; boots of vegan-leather that are lined with deeply embedded grips.

Szalasznyj will showcase her business and personal accomplish­ments as an entreprene­ur at the Enactus Canada Regional Exposition — Western Canada in Calgary on Feb. 28, where she will compete for the title of regional champion.

Szalasznyj will compete against three other Student Entreprene­ur provincial champions from Western Canada for the regional title and the chance to move on to the 2014 Enactus Canada National Exposition in Calgary taking place April 28-30. The national champion will receive a $10,000 cash prize and take home the John Dobson Cup.

Best Diversity


For the fifth successive year, Cameco Corp. has been selected by the Globe and Mail as one of Canada’s Best Diversity Employers for 2014.

The annual competitio­n recognizes Canadian employers that have exceptiona­l workplace diversity and inclusiven­ess programs. Selection to the list was based on informatio­n submitted for the 2014 Canada’s Top 100 Employers competitio­n.

The recognitio­n follows Cameco’s recent listings as one of Canada’s Top 100 Employers and Saskatchew­an’s Top Employers.

“This award recognizes our long-standing track record in aboriginal and Metis employment,” said Tim Gitzel, Cameco president and CEO, in a news release. “We are proud to be Canada’s leading industrial employer of aboriginal people and of the proactive approach we take to support career growth in this sector of our workforce.”

 ?? RICHARDMAR­JAN/The StarPhoeni­x ?? Affinity Credit Union and Meridian Developmen­t Corp. received Heritage Awards for the repurposin­g the former Wilson
School and First Nations University of Canada building in City Park.
RICHARDMAR­JAN/The StarPhoeni­x Affinity Credit Union and Meridian Developmen­t Corp. received Heritage Awards for the repurposin­g the former Wilson School and First Nations University of Canada building in City Park.
 ??  ?? Anastasia Szalasznyj
Anastasia Szalasznyj

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