Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Commission­er was NFL’s $45-million man in 2012


NEW YORK — NFL commission­er Roger Goodell made $44.2 million in 2012, according to tax returns the league has submitted.

Goodell earned $35.1 million in salary, bonus and pension compensati­on. Based on IRS reporting guidelines, his total 2012 compensati­on includes a $5-million incentive payment and a $4.1-million pension payment from the 2011 lockout year that was paid in 2012.

The league’s revenues have approached $10 billion and its TV ratings dominate all other programmin­g.

“Commission­er Goodell’s compensati­on reflects the value of his leadership and the success of the NFL at the highest levels,” said Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank, a member of the league’s compensati­on committee.

“His significan­t accomplish­ments continue to strengthen our game, our business and our leading position in the sports industry.”

League general counsel Jeff Pash was second on the list of executives’ pay with $7.86 million, and he had $1.23 million in deferred compensati­on. Executive vice-president Eric Grubman was at $4.243 million, with another $527,000 deferred.

“The NFL owners determined that the NFL under Goodell is the best-run sports league and has a great future,” said Marc Ganis, president of SportsCorp, a Chicago-based consulting firm, and close observer of the NFL. “They felt Roger’s performanc­e warranted his compensati­on to at least be comparable to the highest paid commission­er, which has historical­ly been (MLB’s) Bud Selig.”

Selig is believed to earn a salary in excess of $20 million.

“The people who decided his performanc­e warranted this compensati­on are the same people who are paying it, the 32 team owners,” Ganis added. “They decided that Goodell’s performanc­e was worth a little more than $1 million for each of the teams — a very rational decision based on the extraordin­ary results Goodell has delivered for them.”

 ?? JOHN MINCHILLO/The Associated Press file photo ?? NFL commission­er Roger Goodell was compensate­d heartily by the league’s owners in 2012.
JOHN MINCHILLO/The Associated Press file photo NFL commission­er Roger Goodell was compensate­d heartily by the league’s owners in 2012.

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