Saskatoon StarPhoenix



$4 trillion to $6 trillion: Final U.S. cost for the Afghan war, including long-term costs such as funding for veterans, estimated in 2013 by Harvard University

$11.3 billion: Official Canadian government incrementa­l cost for Afghan mission 2001 to 2011. Incrementa­l costs are those additional costs for personnel and equipment. They do not include salaries as those would have been paid anyway.

$18.1 billion: Cost of Canada’s Afghan mission 2001 to 2011 estimated by former Parliament­ary Budget Officer Kevin Page in 2008. Costs are estimates because government department­s refused to provide informatio­n to Page.

$22 billion: Cost of Canada’s Afghan mission, estimated in a 2008 study produced by defence analyst David Perry

$1.9 billion: Canadian government aid commitment to Afghanista­n, 2001-11

$330 million: Canadian government commitment to Afghan national security forces, 2015-17

$227 million: Amount pledged by Canada over three years on post-2014 developmen­t assistance to Afghanista­n

$17.5 million: The cost to renovate the building that now houses Canada’s Chancery in Kabul

$4.5 million: Annual property operating costs for that embassy

$1 million: Cost of a U.S. MRAP (armoured vehicle)

$12,000: Cost to destroy a U.S. MRAP in Afghanista­n to be sold for scrap

$250,000: Average cost of a full-time expatriate consultant working in Afghanista­n

$1,000: Annual salary of an Afghan government employee

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