Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Recipients for a variety of awards were announced this evening for the Celebrate Success! Business Awards Program. Hosted by the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce and presented by PotashCorp., the Celebrate Success! Awards Gala is a celebratio­n of the exceptiona­l businesses growing and operating in the Saskatoon region.

Business for Peace Nominee

The Business for Peace Foundation’s aim is to accelerate the developmen­t of ethical business practices through increasing awareness of the strengths of the ethical business case. Dr. Keith Downey

SABEX Community Involvemen­t

Awarded to a business demonstrat­ing exceptiona­l performanc­e in its support of the arts, culture, amateur sports and education, or volunteer groups. Weigers Financial and Benefits

SABEX Customer Service

Awarded to a business demonstrat­ing exceptiona­l customer service (wholesale and retail trade, purchasing and distributi­on, transporta­tion, brokering, profession­al services, communicat­ions, and financial). Reed Security

SABEX Growth & Expansion

Awarded to a business who has made significan­t changes in their business resulting in “Growth” or “Expansion” of 15 per cent or more of the business’ markets, physical locations, number of employees, etc., and which in turn has made an impact on the company’s overall ability to increase its revenues, investment­s, and profits now or in the future. Saskatoon Business College Ltd.

SABEX Marketing

Awarded to a business demonstrat­ing exceptiona­l performanc­e in marketing. S&E Trusted Online Directorie­s Inc.

SABEX New Business Venture

Awarded to a new business venture which has been in existence for three years or less and which has shown positive performanc­e in terms of current expected profitabil­ity, job creation or entrance into new markets. W Bridals Inc.

SABEX New Product and/or Service

Awarded to a business demonstrat­ing exceptiona­l performanc­e in launching a new Saskatchew­an-made product, device or service in the last three years, which is original and currently available to consumers. Three Farmers Products

SABEX Small Business of the Year

Awarded to a business with 15 or fewer employees. The recipient must clearly demonstrat­e excellence in the areas they consider key to their success, including profitabil­ity, customer service, growth and/or expansion, marketing, and employment creation. Push Interactio­ns (formerly College Mobile)

SABEX Business of the Year

Awarded to a business that clearly demonstrat­es excellence in the areas they consider key to their success, including profitabil­ity, customer service, growth and/or expansion, marketing, and employment creation. IRC Innovative Rehabilita­tion Consultant­s

SABEX Hall of Fame Inductee

One individual or business will be inducted into the SABEX Hall of Fame each year. An independen­t committee notifies the SABEX Committee of the recipient. The recipient will be a long-standing member of the Saskatoon region business community. John Cross

Award of Innovation

The Award of Innovation has been establishe­d by Innovation Place and the ILO to honour individual­s or groups at the University of Saskatchew­an who have created, developed and promoted a new concept, procedure, process or product. Dr. Pierre Hucl and Dr. Curtis Pozniak

Strategic Alliance Award

Saskatoon Community Foundation’s Strategic Alliance Award acknowledg­es the importance of bringing together resources through partnershi­ps involving businesses and charities. This award encourages the developmen­t of such alliances by recognizin­g business and charities, which have worked together to enhance Saskatoon’s quality of life. Hatch nominated by Saskatoon Food Bank and Learning Centre

Community Leadership Award

The community Leadership award is presented to a community member that has displayed values in alignment with Leadership Saskatoon including citizen engagement, collaborat­ion, inclusion/diversity and life long learning. Mr. Milton Taylor

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