Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Housing Demand strong


“From a strictly demographi­c perspectiv­e, that would place us around the seventh inning of the secular bull market in Canadian housing, before conditions become unfavourab­le around the turn of the decade,” wrote Kavcic. “The tide is going to turn.”

He said policy-makers should be concerned about full-time employment compared with the over-65 population. “It’s holding up OK for now. But it’s going to roll over.”

Doug Norris, chief demographe­r with Environics Analytics, agrees the echo boomers have helped prop up the housing market, but says immigratio­n is likely as much a part of the story.

“If the numbers continue, we will have the upward pull because people are coming into the country at ages in which they form households and families,” Norris said.

“I think you’ve got another five years of the echo boom.”

He said immigratio­n


should be considered for its impact on housing and the economy separately from the echo boom. He said the immigratio­n impact is “going to continue long after the echo boom is gone.”

Phil Soper, chief executive of Royal LePage Real Estate Services, said his company did a survey on real estate attitudes last year and found some echo boomers have bought into the dream of owning a detached home in a suburban neighbourh­ood.

“It was a surprise to us because we expected more of propensity to choose urban living,” Soper said, adding that those attitudes should continue to drive prices of single-family homes.

James Mckellar, director of the program in real estate and infrastruc­ture at York University, said for the past decade people have predicted a bursting housing bubble, but it hasn’t materializ­ed because there isn’t enough supply to meet demand, and won’t be anytime soon.

“They are not building any more existing neighbourh­oods. Condo owners are going to look to existing neighbourh­oods; that’s pentup demand that is going to come from condos.”

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