Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Re: Why, oh why, would PM pass on meeting Wynne? (SP, Dec. 6). Andrew Coyne’s spoof on the rift between the prime minister and Ontario’s premier raises the question: Does Stephen Harper get along with anybody?

Many veterans certainly don’t, to the point of urging Canadians to vote anything but Conservati­ve.

To say Harper can’t or won’t get along with aboriginal people would be a colossal understate­ment. In many instances, the animosity between the government and aboriginal people borders on dangerous rage.

He doesn’t get along with the western grain farmers he callously dismissed during his dogma driven destructio­n of the Canadian Wheat Board. His relationsh­ip with our scientific, academic and arts communitie­s is deeply troubled.

The millions of working men and women affiliated with a labour union have felt Harper’s irrational disdain since the day he stepped out of the National Citizens Coalition and into politics.

Journalist­s don’t have a relationsh­ip with him, so to say it’s a disaster is redundant. His relationsh­ip with millions of moderate Canadians concerned about the environmen­t is polluted at best.

Then there are the premiers, with whom Harper refuses to meet as a group. Consequent­ly, it’s now our premiers who provide a national conscience and leadership in many areas such as the environmen­t.

Instead of attempting to belittle Premier Kathleen Wynne for not getting along with Harper, Coyne should have given us the complete reality. When it comes to not getting along with Harper, she’s just the tip of the iceberg. Morice Miller Unity

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