Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Madonna: Gaga doesn’t want ‘my crown’


That big feud between Madonna and Lady Gaga? Just a sinister trick of the patriarchy, says Madge. And by the way, she’s still the queen.

In 2011, Madonna complained that Gaga’s hit Born This Way sounded too much like Madonna’s Express Yourself. That started media babble about a feud. Now Madonna tells Rolling Stone that’s all wrong, because after all she’s Madonna and that other person is not: “I don’t think she wants my crown. We live in a world where people like to pit women against each other. And this is why I love the idea of embracing other females who are doing what I’m doing. The only time I ever criticized Lady Gaga was when I felt like she blatantly ripped off one of my songs … you know what? I don’t care anymore.”

Me, host? No way: If there’s one thing we can all agree on, it’s that Neil Patrick Harris was just not funny at the Oscars. So who could do better next year? Extra asked Jerry Seinfeld if he’d take a shot. No luck: “I love to watch it. I love to order takeout Chinese, put on sweatpants and slippers and watch. Why would I host? It’s so much more fun to watch.” He’s 60.

Vanilla Ice in hot water: Last week, Vanilla Ice was saying that his Florida burglary charge was just a misunderst­anding. Now it’s a little worse: Rob Van Winkle told Florida Today that everything will work out.

You recall the case: he has a home-renovation show on cable, and allegedly helped himself to some stuff from an abandoned home near the site he’s working on. His latest pronouncem­ent: “I’m doing all right. Got in a little bit of a mess, but we’ll get through it. Yesterday’s history, tomorrow’s a mystery.”

While he awaits his court date, his PR people have got him out being a nice guy, promising to build a wading pool for a preteen lad in a wheelchair.

No rush to wed: Sophia Vergara says she’s not rushing to marry actor Joe Manganiell­o, even though she said yes when he proposed in Hawaii over Christmas. “We wanted to get married this summer,” Vergara told Extra-TV the other night, “but Joe will be busy working and promoting (his movie) Magic Mike 2. We wanted to get married at a time when we can get away and make time for a honeymoon. So the wedding will probably be later this year.”

 ??  ?? Jerry Seinfeld
Jerry Seinfeld
 ??  ?? Sofia Vergara
Sofia Vergara
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