Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Aloha packs romantic Hawaiian punch


“You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows,” but these days, a guide through the seemingly endless flurry of pop culture offerings is just what we need. With that in mind, here is what’s on the radar screen in TV, music and film for the coming week.


Big Release on Friday: Aloha

Big Picture: Hawaii hasn’t seen this much love since The Descendant­s. This time the island paradise even gets a love triangle. Bradley Cooper plays Brian, a brilliant military contractor who returns to the site of one of his career triumphs and rekindles sparks with an old flame (Rachel McAdams). Unfortunat­ely, he also lights a new fire with an idealistic Air Force commander (Emma Stone) … Rachel or Emma? No man deserves such torment … Need more sunshine in your cinematic forecast? The all-star supporting cast includes Alec Baldwin, John Krasinski and Bill Murray as Cooper’s eccentric, hilariousl­y dishevelle­d, craggy-faced old boss (i.e. every Murray character). You had me at Aloha.

Forecast: Real love triangles never end well, but Cooper’s charisma makes this one seem downright charming. This rom-com from Cameron Crowe (Almost Famous, Jerry Maguire) will at least end well at the box office. (I’m hoping for a twist ending in which Brian chooses to clone himself to be with both women. Everyone wins. Including science.)

Honourable Mention: San Andreas

Hollywood destroys Hollywood and most of California in this new disaster film. Finally, a blockbuste­r that doesn’t involve robots or grown adults in spandex. The dreaded Big One finally hits — the San Andreas Fault system blows. Dwayne Johnson plays a search-andrescue pilot who has to step up and single-handedly save his family — along with most survivors — from a magnitude-9.0 earthquake and its deadly aftermath. (All of this would be a lot easier if it was the summer of 2014 and he still had the powers of Hercules.)


Big Event on Thursday: Aquarius, NBC

Big Picture: David Duchovny picks up a badge, which entitles him to once again solve mysteries. No, not that badge. We still have to wait until January 2016 for the XFiles miniseries. But fans can watch Duchovny battle evil — just not the supernatur­al variety — as a cop whose case involving a missing person draws him into the world of cult-leader Charles Manson in the lead-up to the Manson murders. When he goes undercover, will he fall under Manson’s dark spell?

Forecast: Duchovny’s Sam Hodiak is a slightly more functional version of his Hank Moody character on Californic­ation — a man who never gave up on the era of free love. Duchovny navigating a world of murder and mayhem in the Age of Aquarius? We’re all in. (In a sign of the times, all 13 episodes will be available on right after the twohour premiere.)

Honourable Mentions: Wednesday: Bullseye, Fox; Monday: Texas Rising, History A reality-show challenge in which contestant­s are the projectile­s. This is for those who’ve always wanted to watch a game of bull’seye using humans. (We’re pretty much only half a step away from an actual Hunger Games at this point, eh?) Speaking of being on target, the miniseries Texas Rising tells the origin story of the Texas Rangers. Bill Paxton and Brendan Fraser co-star, but sadly no Chuck Norris.


Big Release on Tuesday: The Vaccines, English Graffiti

Big Picture: On their third album, the London group abandons its penchant for timeless rock for a more experiment­al, synthetic sound. First Mumford & Sons abandon their folksy roots and now this? What’s next? Will Kanye West tackle choral music? Will Katy Perry wear pants? A Neil Young hip-hop duet album with Drake? Truly anything is possible.

Forecast: The Vaccines keep their swagger and are still writing musical prescripti­ons to save English guitar rock. They’ve just tweaked the ingredient­s.

Honourable Mention: Ben Kunder, Golden

This one is for lovers of Joel Plaskett and Ron Sexsmith. A new Canadian singer-songwriter releases a debut of feel-good folksy rock. Given these nine melodic tracks, Kunder — also a carpenter and actor — may soon be able to quit his other day jobs. (Or maybe add beekeeper to the mix. Whatever fuels his muse.)

 ?? COLUMBIA PICTURES ?? Bradley Cooper, left, and Rachel McAdams make magic in the engaging Cameron Crowe rom-com Aloha.
COLUMBIA PICTURES Bradley Cooper, left, and Rachel McAdams make magic in the engaging Cameron Crowe rom-com Aloha.

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