Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Countless Iraqis, Syrians flee from ISIL


DIBIS, Iraq — Noura Mahmoud has been so terrorized by her family’s brushes with ISIL she wanted to be called by a pseudonym rather than reveal even her first name.

Noura and her family were uprooted from their hardscrabb­le but tolerable life in an ISIL-controlled farming village in nearby Hawija earlier this year, swapping that home for another that — except for a few pillows and blankets — is utterly bereft of everything including furniture, electricit­y or running water in this still peaceful Kurdish-controlled town near Kirkuk.

They fled after ISIL made it plain that Noura’s husband would be killed because he had once been a member of the Iraqi security forces.

“It’s horrible. I know they hate us, but for what reason? We are all Iraqis,” the 28-year-old woman said as she held her four-year-old mentally handicappe­d son, Nozad, in her arms.

Noura and Nozad arrived in Dibis during one of the many spasms in the fighting that has been taking place a few kilometres down the road. They have lots of company. Houses on every street in town are sheltering shattered Arab families who largely depend on handouts from their new Kurdish neighbours to survive. There are many other such enclaves of escapees all over the Kurdish Autonomous Region.

This has become a nightmare without end as fresh floods of IDPs, as the UN calls them, are swamping those places in Iraq and Syria which ISIL has not yet conquered, putting further strain on already meagre resources.

Iraq’s latest convulsion occurred last week. Tens of thousands of Sunni refugees fled the city of Ramadi after Iraqi security forces again abandoned their posts, their vehicles and their weapons rather than defend the population against ISIL.

A conservati­ve estimate would be that there are more than 10 million Syrians and Iraqis who have been uprooted. However, so many have moved in so many waves from so many places to so many different places that it is almost impossible to get an accurate count of refugees and internally displaced people who are now spread across the historical centre of the Middle East.

In Iraq, the number of internally displaced is thought by Refugees Internatio­nal to number 3.5 million. At least 300,000 of these IDPs are in or near Kirkuk, which ISIL regards as a bigger prize than Mosul or Ramadi because Kirkuk is the biggest oil- and gas-producing centre in the country.

What separates Noura Mahmoud from many others who have joined this exodus in Kurdistan is that they, like the rest of the IDPs in Dibis, are Sunnis. Many of those who fled earlier from ISIL have been Christian Iraqis or other religious minorities from the Mosul area such as Yazidis whom the Islamic fundamenta­lists regard as devil-worshippin­g infidels.

Mohammed Amin is an 86-year-old Kurdish elder. He lives with his extended family alongside Sunnis who recently arrived from a nearby town that ISIL seized last year. With Kurdish and Arabic all-news television channels his constant companions, Amin knows in granular detail what ISIL has been up to.

“The difference between Kurds and Daesh (the Arabic acronym for ISIL) turns out to be that we consider the humanitari­an aspect more than they do,” Amin said as he squatted in his living room fretting over his black worry beads.

“Those Arabs whose homes have been destroyed can be safe here.”

Asked about ISIL’s claim that it is acting in the name of God, Amin slowly shook his head in disgust.

“They are not Muslims,” the octogenari­an said.

“True Muslims do not behave as they do. No matter what your difference­s are, you do not kidnap women or murder Christians including woman who are pregnant.”

As for ISIL’s future, without suggesting any way this might happen, Amin predicted that “they will vanish.”

A couple of blocks away, Rabea Abd Awad said he had paid a taxi driver $800 US to take him, his brother and their families on a circuitous 19-hour journey via Baghdad to Dubis that used to take only 30 minutes.

After several harrowing inquisitio­ns at checkpoint­s he reached safety with, literally, only the shirt on his back.

“I tolerated Daesh not allowing me to smoke, showing up unannounce­d at my home to rob and steal, planting landmines on my property and keeping lists that showed whether we had gone to the mosque five times every day and condemning us as non-believers if we didn’t,” the wheat farmer said.

“But I knew we had to escape when they forced us to swear an oath of loyalty and fight alongside them.

“I had an uncle who was kidnapped and has not been heard from since and another uncle who was detained for 22 days for the crime of staring at them. What I feared more than anything was that they would try to touch our women, because if they did that we would have immediatel­y had to fight them to the death. Their behaviour is barbaric.”

While the Kurds continue to slowly take land away from ISIL, the picture in central and western Iraq is growing darker and Noura Mahmoud despairs for the country’s future.

As Nozad stares off blankly into space his mother says while she and her immediate family are safe for the moment, her relatives tell her they could be murdered at any time.

“There is no solution for this mess because there is no solution for Daesh,” she said.

 ?? MATTHEW FISHER/National Post ?? Mohammed Amin, an 86-year-old Kurdish elder, decries ISIL’s use of violence and treatment of women. ‘They are not
Muslims,’ he says. ‘True Muslims do not behave as they do.’
MATTHEW FISHER/National Post Mohammed Amin, an 86-year-old Kurdish elder, decries ISIL’s use of violence and treatment of women. ‘They are not Muslims,’ he says. ‘True Muslims do not behave as they do.’
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