Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Israel confronts terrorists from within

Gov’t resorts to draconian measures


For Israelis, conflict between Jewish settlers and Palestinia­ns is an almost daily fact of life, usually involving felled olive trees and thrown stones, with no loss of life. But last week’s arson attack on a Palestinia­n family in the West Bank village of Duma, which killed an infant and critically injured his brother and parents, has jolted the nation into an uncomforta­ble realizatio­n.

The terrorists are not just on the outside, launching rockets or planning suicide attacks. Like the alienated youth drawn to ISIL ideology, a radical fringe of young ultra-Orthodox Israelis is increasing­ly turning to violence in the name of religion.

The killers of 18-monthold Ali Saad Dawabsheh left Hebrew graffiti reading “Revenge” and “Long live the Messiah King” on the victims’ house alongside a Star of David. The murder came a day after an ultraOrtho­dox man attacked Jerusalem’s Gay Pride parade, stabbing to death 16-year-old Shira Banki.

The attacks prompted the Israeli government to authorize draconian detention and interrogat­ion tactics that are frequently used against Palestinia­ns but rarely against Jews. “We decry it as a terrorist crime,” Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said of the arson attack. “Terrorism is terrorism.”

Observers say the wellspring of the latest wave of Jewish extremism in the settlement­s, populated by ultra-Orthodox Jews who believe they are fulfilling God’s command.

Shlomo Fischer, a sociologis­t at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, said those driven to violence are the “fringe of a fringe.” They tend to be young men who have adopted a counter-cultural lifestyle. They have swallowed whole the teaching of radical rabbis that the Israeli government is invalid because it is not following religious ideas, but they ignore the same rabbis’ proscripti­on of violence.

Their attitude is, “The land belongs to us and to nobody else,” Fischer said, and they interpret religion to justify violence. They see society as sinful and the government as weak, making concession­s to foreign powers and permitting idolatry in the form of Christian churches.

“This is part of a theology that says, insofar as my reaction is spontaneou­s and pure for the sake of heaven, it’s really God moving me,” he said.

The deadly arson followed a long string of what have become known as “price tag” attacks against Arabs and Christians. They were mostly crimes against property, accompanie­d by racist slogans, in response to a perceived offence. For example, last November, arsonists torched a Hebrew-Arabic bilingual school in Jerusalem, spray-painting the slogan, “There’s no coexisting with cancer.” Extremists, who consider Christiani­ty a form of idolatry that has no place on Israeli soil, have also targeted prominent churches. The perpetrato­rs often spray the word “price tag,” a message that they are exacting a price, both from the targets and from the government.

Israel has been hesitant to label the attacks as terrorism, but in its 2014 country report on terrorism, the U.S. Department of State included price tag attacks in its catalogue of terrorist incidents. The report noted that Israeli investigat­ions of the “violent extremists” responsibl­e for the attacks did not result in prosecutio­ns in the majority of cases. Yesh Din, an Israeli human-rights group assisting Palestinia­ns, reported in May that of 1,000 complaints filed for alleged violence committed by settlers between 2005 and 2014, only seven per cent led to charges.

The anti-Arab sentiment fuelling many of the attacks can be seen as a legacy of Meir Kahane, whose Kach Party was banned in Israel in 1988 as racist and undemocrat­ic. Kahane, who was murdered in New York in 1990 by an Arab assassin, called Arabs “dogs” and insisted there was no place for them within Israel. “I don’t want to kill Arabs. I just want them to live happily elsewhere,” he said. “Give me the strength to take care of them once and for all.”

Kahane retains appeal 25 years after his death, with the slogan “Kahane was right” sometimes spraypaint­ed on vandalized mosques and churches. Kahane’s 23-year-old grandson, Meir Ettinger, has emerged as a disciple of his grandfathe­r, and on Tuesday an Israeli court ordered him held as the suspected head of an extremist network. His movement is believed to have been behind the June arson attack on the Church of the Multiplica­tion of the Loaves and Fish near the Sea of Galilee.

Don Seeman, a professor of religion at Emory University in Atlanta, said the Jewish extremists responsibl­e for the attacks are a “loose federation” and not a structured organizati­on.

“They immediatel­y interpret any insult or humiliatio­n of themselves to be a humiliatio­n of God,” he said.

“What is happening now within Israel is a growing willingnes­s to castigate and criticize them, including from this current government, which is a centre-right government,” said Ami Pedahzur director of the Institute for Israel Studies at the University of Texas at Austin. “I think everybody realizes it’s bad for Israel.”

Fischer said the way is clear for Netanyahu to crack down without antagonizi­ng the settlement­s. “What happened over the past week is that when the extent of the damage was exposed, people who might have otherwise been sympatheti­c (to the extremists), distanced themselves,” he said. “People said, ‘I don’t want to kill babies. That’s not who I am.’ ”

 ?? JAAFAR ASHTIYEH/AFP/Getty Images ?? Israeli peace activists stand in the Dawabsheh family home set on fire by suspected Jewish extremists and where a Palestinia­n toddler was burned to death on Aug. 2 in the West Bank village of Duma. The firebombin­g sparked an internatio­nal outcry over...
JAAFAR ASHTIYEH/AFP/Getty Images Israeli peace activists stand in the Dawabsheh family home set on fire by suspected Jewish extremists and where a Palestinia­n toddler was burned to death on Aug. 2 in the West Bank village of Duma. The firebombin­g sparked an internatio­nal outcry over...
 ?? ARIEL SCHALIT/The Associated Press ?? Meir Ettinger, the head of a Jewish extremist group, was arrested in the Aug. 2 arson attack in which a toddler died.
ARIEL SCHALIT/The Associated Press Meir Ettinger, the head of a Jewish extremist group, was arrested in the Aug. 2 arson attack in which a toddler died.

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