Saskatoon StarPhoenix


At this English castle the plants can kill you, DIANE ROBERTS writes


“D on’t touch,” says Bridget the guide, as we prepare to enter the locked gates of the Poison Garden. “Don’t smell.”

Don’t worry: I had seen the skull and crossbones on the black wrought-iron gate, right next to the sign proclaimin­g “These Plants Can Kill,” and I plan to give them a wide berth.

Bridget tells us no one has died from visiting Alnwick Castle’s Poison Garden, but people have fainted, possibly because they ignored the no-touch, no-sniff rule. There’s hemlock and deadly nightshade everywhere. Those pretty foxgloves, pink as a baby’s cheeks, can cause vomiting, hallucinat­ions, madness. Oleander can cause nasty rashes and wreak havoc on your central nervous system. Laurels contain cyanolipid­s that release cyanide and benzaldehy­de, especially when cut.

Alnwick Castle is a vast stone edifice strategica­lly located on the River Aln, not far from the Scottish border. If you’ve seen the first two Harry Potter movies, you’ve seen Alnwick: Harry learned to fly a broom and play Quidditch in the castle’s Outer Bailey. It was also the setting for the Season 5 finale of Downton Abbey. Parts of it are nearly 1,000 years old and stuffed with Titians and van Dycks, Louis XIV furniture, Meissen china and Georgian silver.

I’d been staying an hour-anda-half ’s drive to the south, seeing friends. They kept asking whether I’d been to the Poison Garden — apparently, it’s notorious in these parts. So I drove up over the moors, north of Hadrian’s Wall to Alnwick. Because I had limited time, I decided to concentrat­e on the gardens: how often do you get to keep company with plants that can produce heroin, cocaine and ricin, one of the deadliest toxins on Earth?

The Poison Garden tours go every 15 minutes, and I had a few minutes to wait for the next one. Next to the locked gate, there’s a hut, kind of a cross between a prehistori­c dwelling and a hobbit house, round with a sod roof. I stick my head in the door, half expecting to find a homage to Harry Potter or an animatroni­c witch. Instead of hokey horror, the place is full of animals — dead animals. Stuffed ravens, stuffed foxes, stuffed rabbits, their glassy eyes flickering in the firelight. A stuffed gray-andwhite cat holds a stuffed rat in its mouth. Other stuffed rats perch on shelves. The back half of a hare is mounted on one wall over a pile of unidentifi­ed pelts.

“Oh, yes,” says a voice behind me. “The Duchess loves taxidermy.” It’s Bridget, who is gathering up the tour. It seems the Duchess of Northumber­land, chatelaine of Alnwick and creator of the Poison Garden, keeps several stuffed dogs up at the castle. She sometimes gives stuffed rats as wedding presents.

Perhaps I should explain about the duchess, the brains behind it all. She was plain Jane Richard before she married Ralph Percy, younger brother of the 11th Duke of Northumber­land, in 1979. In 1995, the childless 11th duke died of an amphetamin­e overdose, and Ralph became the 12th duke, owner of Alnwick Castle. The new duchess decided to throw herself into renovating the castle’s once-beautiful landscapin­g. The old formal gardens had fallen into ruin. Much of the land next to the castle was used for lumber. Within a few years, however, what had been 14 acres (5.6 hectares) of commercial spruce trees was transforme­d, thanks to the duchess, Belgian garden designers Jacques and Peter Wirtz and upwards of $60 million.

Where there was wasteland there’s now a bamboo labyrinth, 3,000 roses, tunnels of green vines, bright tulips, flowering cherries and delphinium­s in their own formal walled garden, sculptures that double as fountains and one of the largest tree houses in the world. When you get tired of walking, you can sit outside on the contempora­ry glass pavilion, watching the monumental cascade, Alnwick’s modern answer to the baroque water features of Versailles or Peter the Great’s Peterhof Palace.

The style and expense of the gardens has been controvers­ial. The Percy family is estimated to be worth nearly $1 billion, yet the duchess received some taxpayer money for her project. When the new Alnwick gardens opened, another aristocrat­ic gardener, Lady Mary Keen, whose father is an earl, accused the duchess of “vanity gardening” and called Alnwick vulgar. The duchess hit back at her critics, calling them “snobby” and worse, and pointing out that the gardens bring needed revenue and jobs to an economical­ly depressed area.

The Percys have always revelled in being troublemak­ers: a 15thcentur­y Percy rebelled against King Henry IV — William Shakespear­e immortaliz­ed him as Harry Hotspur. In the 16th century, a Percy led the lords of the north against Elizabeth I, hoping to replace her on the throne with Mary, Queen of Scots. He was beheaded in 1572. You’d think the Percys had learned their lesson, but no: in 1605, a Percy plotted with Guy Fawkes to blow up Parliament. A little closer to home, in 1829, another member of the Percy family, the illegitima­te son of the 1st Duke of Northumber­land, left his large fortune to the United States government to promote “the increase and diffusion of knowledge.” You know it as the Smithsonia­n Institutio­n.

There was an outcry in 2005, too, when the duchess opened her Poison Garden. Inspired, she said, by a 450-year-old “physick garden” in Padua, in northern Italy, reportedly used by the Medicis to dispatch their enemies, the duchess had to get a government licence to grow the plants that are converted to cocaine, psilocybin mushrooms and marijuana “for educationa­l purposes."

 ?? DIANE ROBERTS/The Washington Post
OLI SCARFF/Getty Images ?? Daffodils and hemlock surround a ‘skeleton’ and cannabis sativa — marijuana — grows in a cage
behind it in the Poison Garden, dedicated to plants that are fatal or narcotic. Those pretty foxgloves, among the plants found in Alnwick Castle’s
DIANE ROBERTS/The Washington Post OLI SCARFF/Getty Images Daffodils and hemlock surround a ‘skeleton’ and cannabis sativa — marijuana — grows in a cage behind it in the Poison Garden, dedicated to plants that are fatal or narcotic. Those pretty foxgloves, among the plants found in Alnwick Castle’s garden,...
 ?? DIANE ROBERTS/The Washington Post ?? The Grand Cascade water feature is Alnwick Castle’s answer to the baroque water features
of the palace of Versailles or Peter the Great’s Peterhof Palace.
DIANE ROBERTS/The Washington Post The Grand Cascade water feature is Alnwick Castle’s answer to the baroque water features of the palace of Versailles or Peter the Great’s Peterhof Palace.

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