Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Use your inner ‘parenting voice’


NEW YORK — Parents should lose the flash cards, learning apps and other educationa­l gadgets and strategies de jour, advises Stephen Camarata, a child-developmen­t researcher who thinks they need to rediscover their inner “parenting voice” instead.

He’s had plenty of practice himself. He has seven kids, ages 19 to 35.

The Vanderbilt professor built a reputation as an expert in speech and language disorders in children. Last year, he put out a book, Late-Talking Children: A Symptom or a Stage? His followup has a broader focus, titled The Intuitive Parent. In it, Camarata takes on the marketing frenzy aimed at ensuring educationa­l success, the neuroscien­ce of learning and the heightened anxiety that has made parenting today a competitiv­e sport.

A conversati­on with Camarata: Q Has this generation of parents lost the ability to follow their instincts in raising children?

A They haven’t lost their ability, but outside pressures are derailing that. Marketing is one factor, and there’s a distortion of what neuroscien­ce has told us.

Another factor is simply that our lives are busier and busier. A parent may have big job commitment­s and other things that lead to a lot of self-inflicted guilt and pressure to rush things along.

Q How does a parent of a child not responding to traditiona­l schooling advocate effectivel­y?

A It’s really important that the parent enter into a dialogue with a teacher pretty early on. Parents have a lot more ability and a lot more authority than they might think at first blush.

Studies show that parents are doing 75 to 80, 90 per cent of the homework. That’s not how a child is going to learn. I’d go to the teacher and say, “Here’s how much my child can do. I’m going to have him do that.”

Q Where does technology fit into your model of intuitive parenting?

A. I don’t want to see a child left alone in a corner with a device. A parent should be there and interactin­g in the same way they would with a book. You need to be actively involved.

 ?? CURRENT ?? The Intuitive Parent: Why the Best Thing for Your Child Is You by Stephen Camarata.
CURRENT The Intuitive Parent: Why the Best Thing for Your Child Is You by Stephen Camarata.

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