Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Here’s how to survive high school


Grade 9 students in the Collective Voice program at Aden Bowman Collegiate share their lives and opinions through columns. Selected columns run each Monday in The StarPhoeni­x.

A high school may seem like this horrible, teen-filled building of angst — like in the movies — but it’s not as bad as you might think. So gear up, and take a leap into the unknown.

From an 8th grader’s perspectiv­e, high school is like a doomsday that will continue for four years and never seem to end, but that doesn’t have to be true. Here are a few tips.

Yes, there will be homework, and you’ll need to work on your organizati­onal skills, but it’s really quite easy to “survive” your first semester.

Keeping up with all your classes sounds impossible, but it’s easier if you write everything down on something you check daily — when your tests are and when important projects are due. Keep track of all your papers. Have different sections in your binder for each class. And, as soon as you get a paper, put it in the right section.

Sleep! Don’t stay up late on Netflix watching an entire season of your favourite show; you need to sleep at least eight hours a night to be able to actually process what you learn.

Not only will getting enough sleep help you function, it will also improve your grades and ability to focus.

I put the “pro” in “procrastin­ation,” and it’s something I’ve been working on for a long time. No one wants to wake up on a Monday morning to realize they forgot to do that big project that’s due, so do yourself a favour and finish your homework as soon as possible.

I can’t stress this one enough: eat breakfast every day. There’s really no excuse to skip it. Not enough time? Set your alarm earlier to make the time. Take a snack with you to eat during break or in class (you can do that). Breakfast fuels your brain and helps you feel a whole lot better throughout the day.

Teachers aren’t scary monsters and will listen to you if you have questions about homework or a lesson you can’t quite get the hang of. Ask them questions after class — if you have time — or even after school or over lunch. Your classmates won’t care if you need some help; they probably have questions of their own that you will have answered by asking the teacher.

Study for every exam — and especially for finals — at least a week in advance. Make notes and flag the things you need to look over.

Making friends is easy. The makeup of every class is different, so you’re bound to find at least one person to talk with.

Also, don’t worry about what others think. Everyone in high school is dealing with the same things you are — so there’s no need to worry too much.

High school is just school, that’s all. It won’t be the worst four years of your life. Yes, you will be stressed, but so will everyone else. Just deal with what you have to deal with. Make good memories with friends and enjoy it while it lasts.

Last tip: No one actually sings High School Musical in the cafeteria, so there’s no need to practise.

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