Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Brenda Kolla offers grief support

- JONATHAN CHARLTON jcharlton@thestarpho­

Brenda Kolla is helping other rural widows move through their grief.

For the first few months after the crash, Brenda Kolla enjoyed the hospitalit­y typical of a small town. More than 500 people came to her husband Danny’s funeral.

“The support and everything is immense. There was so much food delivered, so many flowers. So much donations and money to his memorial fund,” she recalled.

Over time, though, she found herself slipping away from the community. The only social contact she could handle outside her family was at church.

“It’s not that people weren’t nice, because they were,” she said. “But I just felt like I didn’t belong anymore. It used to be Danny and Brenda — now it was just Brenda.”

They met at a dance in Cudworth when she was still a teenager and in her first week of nursing school.

“He was this wonderful, big, burly type. In fact, I always called him my teddy bear. He was vivacious, larger than life,” she said.

Danny, a grain farmer, asked her out and she said yes. They married two years later and she moved out to the farm.

Brenda worked at the Cudworth long-term care facility while feeding the small army of Danny’s brothers and father, who worked on the farm. The couple also raised four children, and started travelling to Europe and Mexico in later years.

“It was a great, wonderful life. I mean we were busy, it was full,” she said.

On November 16, 2012, Danny and Brenda were driving on the highway outside Cudworth. They had just left to visit family. Brenda was reclining in the passenger seat of the big diesel truck to catch up on sleep after a night shift.

As they drove, a young man in a white pickup truck turned onto the road without seeing them. Danny narrowly avoided crashing into him, then decided to pass.

Brenda had always chided him about driving too fast. They were going far above the speed limit when Danny hit a six-foot patch of ice and their truck spun into the ditch, rolling twice and coming to rest on its roof.

Brenda opened her eyes and looked over to Danny. She pulled him over to her — she doesn’t remember how she got him out of the seat belt — and asked if he was OK.

His face had been smashed against the steering wheel and he was bleeding from his ears. Danny was still breathing, and still had a pulse, but Brenda knew these were the last breaths of a dying man.

“I held him in my arms and I kept praying, ‘Don’t die on me, please don’t die on me.’”

At 54, her experience of isolation is common for younger widows like herself, she says. They have to find a new identity, a new normal.

She started to turn a corner about a year after the crash, having recovered from her broken leg and ribs and returned to work. She also hosted a party at the farm in Danny’s memory. More than 200 people spilled into the garage, out the front door and around the patio.

They played all his favourite songs — with Trooper’s Here for a Good Time a highlight. They all shared a shot of Sambuca, his favourite drink.

“He would have loved it,” she said.

By that time she had also attended bereavemen­t groups, which helped her learn that as much as time heals, what you do with that time matters.

She has now decided to start her own bereavemen­t group. While those other groups helped her, she still thinks it’s important to have one specifical­ly for rural widows.

Many have told her they don’t have anywhere to go with their grief after a typical weeks-long bereavemen­t session ends, she said. Her group will be informal and low-key, with the option not to share if a member isn’t ready.

“I feel like it’s my calling. I feel like I need to help others,” she said.

Brenda now lives in Saskatoon. Their youngest son has taken over the farm and she feels it’s time to explore her new life.

“I just would like to let people know you can have happiness after a tragic story like this.”

She can be reached at

 ??  ??
 ?? GREG PENDER/The StarPhoeni­x ?? Brenda Kolla, with a photo and painting of her late husband Danny. Kolla survived the crash which killed her husband in
November 2012 and is now offering an informal bereavemen­t group to help rural widows cope.
GREG PENDER/The StarPhoeni­x Brenda Kolla, with a photo and painting of her late husband Danny. Kolla survived the crash which killed her husband in November 2012 and is now offering an informal bereavemen­t group to help rural widows cope.

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