Saskatoon StarPhoenix



Noting its widespread play in the Canadian mainstream press, I eagerly read professor of philosophy Joseph Heath’s The Forever Campaign (SP, Aug. 8).

Could a state and privately subsidized feted philosophe­r cut through the fog? Unfortunat­ely not.

His question is: Are political strategies designed to win votes “underminin­g the point of political competitio­n?”

Surely yes, as he correctly identified, but his question is missing the obvious underlying influences.

Heath’s question evades the lineal presence who sponsor the “jaded” and “corrupt” insular politician­s mining precious votes in the game of political strategy. If democracy is created to “get the outcomes we want,” then please define who exactly is the “we” that created democracy as a “carefully managed competitio­n.”

Heath’s position presumes democracy has adult independen­ce, when it is actually the dependent child of the deep state that consists of private industry, privatized currency, military and intelligen­ce. Democracy, the “snake that swallows its own tail,” naturally embodies the designs of its creators. Democracy may respond to the public interest as it ought, but inexorably bends to the ringmaster­s’ wants.

Apparently following the unspoken rule, never mention the oligarchy, Heath fails to explore the deep state’s role in subverting democracy, except to suggest that maybe the extremely wealthy aren’t getting what they paid for in the wasteful, expensive American version of pay to play democracy.

The banking and financial services sectors are busting a gut laughing, even if taxpayers aren’t.

When even philosophy succumbs to the deep state’s misdirecti­on and nonsense, we should mourn for humanity. Winston Nelson Saskatoon

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