Saskatoon StarPhoenix

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Key developmen­ts Monday on the federal election campaign trail:


■ The Conservati­ves pledged to bring 10,000 additional refugees from Syria and Iraq to Canada if re-elected. The party would meet the new commitment over four years by targeting refugees from religious minority groups in the region who face persecutio­n or the threat of extremist violence, Stephen Harper said Monday.

In 2013, the Conservati­ve government promised to resettle 1,300 Syrian refugees by the end of 2014, but took until March this year to do it. In January, the government committed to a further 10,000 resettleme­nts over the next three years but has not said how many have actually arrived. Harper said Monday that some 2,500 refugees from Syria are now in Canada. Harper also said the government is on track to resettle 23,000 Iraqis by the end of the year.

Harper’s announceme­nt also included a multimilli­on-dollar pledge to fund groups that are trying to protect places of worship and religious artifacts targeted by ISIL. The Conservati­ves want to spend $9 million over three years on the project through a fund overseen by the Office of Religious Freedom that the Conservati­ves created in 2013.


■ Protesters interrupte­d NDP Leader Tom Mulcair’s book launch over his position on the Energy East pipeline. Mulcair was reading passages from his autobiogra­phy, Strength of Conviction, when a couple of people unfurled banners and shouted, “Stop Energy East.”

Both Mulcair and Liberal Leader Justin Trudeau have said they don’t trust the current federal pipeline review process and would introduce stricter and more thorough analyses of proposed energy projects.

The disruption was brief and relatively amicable; at least one of the protesters reappeared during the book-signing portion of Mulcair’s event to pose for a photo with the NDP leader.

Meanwhile, an NDP candidate in Nova Scotia resigned over comments he allegedly made in a Facebook discussion about Israel emerged on a Conservati­ve website. Morgan Wheeldon was the party’s candidate in the Annapolis Valley riding of Kings-Hants, but NDP campaign adviser Brad Lavigne said Monday that is no longer the case.


■ The Conservati­ves’ proposal to restrict Canadians from travelling to regions of the world controlled by terrorist groups is “electoral posturing,” Trudeau said.

The measure would see national security agencies tracking Canadians who travel to those areas and force those returning home to prove they were in the region for humanitari­an reasons or as journalist­s covering the conflict.

“Canada is a country that respects people’s rights,” Trudeau said. “And any time a government chooses to limit those rights, it has to be able to answer very direct and complete questions about why it’s necessary, about how it will work, about what the clear plan is, and Mr. Harper has done none of that.”


■ Elizabeth May attended some events close to her base in Saanich-Gulf Islands, B.C. She took to Twitter to promise that Green MPs would not support a Conservati­ve minority. “NDP/ Libs did! Twice! 2006 & 2008.#GPC.”

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