Saskatoon StarPhoenix




NUKE ISIL Donald Trump, the Republican presidenti­al front-runner, said he would be prepared to use tactical nuclear weapons against ISIL on the battlefiel­d if he becomes president. He said it would be a “last resort” but the option was on the table. Trump, in an interview with Bloomberg, said: “At a minimum I want them to think maybe we would use them. We need unpredicta­bility. The enemy is watching, and I have a very good chance of winning, and I frankly don’t want the enemy to know how I’m thinking. I don’t rule out anything.”


LYIN’ TED Trump was angry this week at an ad that raised questions about the propriety of Melania Trump becoming first lady. The ad showed a provocativ­e, decade-old magazine photo of her when she was a model and before she married Trump. Trump wrongly attributed the ad to the Ted Cruz campaign and warned on Twitter: “Be careful, Lyin’ Ted, or I will spill the beans on your wife!” Then on Twitter, Trump released images of Cruz’s wife, with an unflatteri­ng grimace, and his wife, Melania, in a glamorous pose. “The images are worth a thousand words,” wrote Trump.


BRUSSELS HELLHOLE Trump said the Islamic State’s terrorist attacks on Brussels that killed more than 30 people show he was right to call the city a “hellhole.” “Remember when I recently said that Brussels is a ‘hellhole’ and a mess,” Trump said in a Twitter posting. “I was

so right!”


NO HENCHMAN Cruz on Friday blamed “Trump and his henchmen” for planting a National Enquirer story that accused him of extramarit­al affairs. Trump responded saying, “I have nothing to do with the National Enquirer and unlike Lyin’ Ted Cruz I do not surround myself with political hacks and henchman and then pretend

total innocence.”

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