Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Skepticism ensues over when NFL and NHL started taking the issue seriously


Jay Glazer, the gravelly voiced NFL reporter for Fox Sports, was asked about concussion­s last week during a discussion on a podcast hosted by Bill Simmons, the former ESPN personalit­y.

Glazer’s response went to a strange place. He said he had spoken with a retired pro who discovered that he had dozens more concussion­s than previously thought. This player, he said, was now worried about the possible impacts. Glazer said this player hadn’t learned anything helpful.

“Don’t frigging tell me how many concussion­s I’ve had and the effects I’m going to have if you are not going to give me a solution,” Glazer said. “Ignorance is bliss.”

It wasn’t the only odd claim in the interview, but that part stood out: you’re better off not knowing how much abuse your brain has taken if you play in this league.

Glazer doesn’t work for the NFL, but he’s an insider, one of the most connected reporters in the industry. He trains players at a California gym, is friends with many of them, as well as coaches and executives. And so if that’s his take-away today after the years of revelation­s about the long-lasting effects of concussion­s and the risks they pose, it’s not hard to imagine how dismissive NFL culture was about this stuff 10 or 15 years ago.

Cue the story from Thursday’s New York Times, which documents how the concussion data that the NFL compiled more than a decade ago — and which formed the basis for the league’s longheld stance that football did not pose a significan­t risk for brain injury — was missing a considerab­le number of cases. “More than 100 diagnosed concussion­s” were not included in the studies, which were based on injury data provided by NFL teams.

The unreported cases, which included concussion­s suffered by players like Troy Aikman of the Dallas Cowboys and Wayne Chrebet of the New York Jets — both of whom were escorted wobbly kneed from the field after taking shots to the head — mean the concussion totals were understate­d by 10 per cent during the period studied (1996-2001), the Times said.

In response, the NFL has said it never claimed the studies to be exhaustive since the data handover was voluntary, not mandatory. The league also said the missing cases were not part of an attempt to artificial­ly lower the concussion rate.

None of this is particular­ly surprising in the NFL, where a strain of concussion skepticism remains, whether with Glazer’s comments or the actions on the field, such as the incident last November when St. Louis quarterbac­k Case Keenum stayed in a game despite having clearly had his helmet bounce violently off the turf.

The NFL has already accepted the opinion of outside researcher­s who said its concussion studies were flawed; this is in part why the league settled lawsuits with thousands of retired players in 2013. The Times story essentiall­y says the studies happened to be more flawed than thought.

There’s a parallel here, though, for the NHL and its own unresolved lawsuit brought by more than 100 retired players in a Minnesota court.

Like the NFL, the NHL quantified the incidence of concussion­s in its sport by reviewing the medical data provided by teams covering the years 1997-2004. In 2011, the league instituted a much stricter concussion protocol as a response to the report’s conclusion­s.

But aside from vague suggestion­s the NHL dodged “the implicatio­ns of its own soft-pedalled and long-delayed report,” nowhere in the 126-page master complaint does the lawsuit allege the league peddled flawed science for years, as was the case with football.

(NHL executives have repeatedly insisted the league gave appropriat­e attention to player safety at all times and they reject the lawsuit’s allegation­s. I asked deputy commission­er Bill Daly on Thursday if, in light of the NFL story, the NHL was still confident in the conclusion­s of its report, but have not yet received a response.)

Instead, the lawsuit charges repeatedly that the NHL should have known about the risks associated with head injuries given advancemen­ts in medical science and it should have acted much sooner than it did.

Lawsuits tend to allege all manner of things in the hope some of it sticks and so the NHL is charged with glorifying violence, with failing to sufficient­ly curb fighting and with going soft on perpetrato­rs, all as evidence that safety was not paramount. In one passage, it notes the history of Gary Suter, who blindsided Paul Kariya in 1998. “The NHL inducted Suter into its Hall of Fame’in 2011,” the lawsuit states.

But none of that gets to the central question: did the NHL know, sooner than it admitted, concussion­s were happening at a rate that demanded the major changes brought about in 2011? Or did it act responsibl­y, adjusting its policies as it gained a better understand­ing of the medical risks?

It’s a question that is ever more likely to be settled in court.

 ?? PATRICK SMITH/ GETTY IMAGES ?? Quarterbac­k Case Keenum of the St. Louis Rams sits on the turf after suffering what was later diagnosed as a concussion during a game against the Baltimore Ravens in November 2015. The fact he was allowed to continue playing cast into doubt the NFL’s...
PATRICK SMITH/ GETTY IMAGES Quarterbac­k Case Keenum of the St. Louis Rams sits on the turf after suffering what was later diagnosed as a concussion during a game against the Baltimore Ravens in November 2015. The fact he was allowed to continue playing cast into doubt the NFL’s...
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