Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Engineer licenses technology

- ALEX MACPHERSON amacpherso­­a

By licensing his wind turbine technology to a company in Halifax, Glen Lux hopes to raise cash to prove the concept he has spent the best part of a decade developing.

“I tried to get funding on my own and it’s almost impossible,” Lux said. “I tried for four or five years and really didn’t have any success and I realized that I’m not a business person, per se. I’m an engineer. I like designing things, building things — that’s how I got interested in this in the first place.”

Lux, who grew up on a farm near Humboldt, spent years running an earthmovin­g company, devoting his spare time to improving existing products and inventing new ones. In the 1980s, while studying engineerin­g at the University of Saskatchew­an, he became enamoured with vertical-axis wind turbines.

The concept, which in practice looks like a giant inverted egg beater, was developed in the 1920s by a French aeronautic­al engineer. After dozens of experiment­s, Lux came up with a design that swapped multiple narrow blades for the original’s two wide ones and removed the turbine’s central column entirely.

Lux said his design is cheaper to build and maintain than traditiona­l propeller-type turbines, making it a more economical­ly viable alternativ­e to convention­al power sources. Studies have shown that his vertical turbine could produce power “almost indefinite­ly” using much lower wind speeds, he said.

“We expect it to be about half the cost of the existing turbines … It’s inherently less expensive to build.”

Last year, after failing “miserably” to fund the project’s developmen­t himself, Lux licensed his technology to Lux Wind Turbines Inc. The company’s president and CEO said that while the ultimate objective is to manufactur­e turbines in Nova Scotia, Lux Wind Turbines must first raise at least $500,000 and “ideally” $800,000 to prove the concept’s viability.

“That’ll pay for building the initial test machine,” said Terry Norman, who has been in the renewable power industry for about six years. “Glen’s built a number of prototypes, but we’d like to take (ours) to the Wind Energy Institute of Canada in North Cape, P.E.I., and get it fully tested and certified.”

Lux Wind Turbines is using a variety of strategies to raise money for the project, including an equity crowdfundi­ng website called FrontFundr. While there are challenges, including securities regulation­s that limit investment in some provinces, Norman said he hopes to have the money in place within three months and the test turbine built a “few months” after that.

The benefits of vertical-axis turbines could be “dramatic,” Norman said, noting that the turbines’ low centre of gravity makes them ideal for use on offshore floating platforms. At the same time, Lux’s model could slash traditiona­lly high capital costs — about $2 million per megawatt for turbines — by 40 or 50 per cent, he added.

“It’s always difficult when you’re breaking new ground and coming out with something that’s very different, (but) we’re just taking one step at a time.”

 ??  ?? Glen Lux
Glen Lux

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