Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Hope emerges on troubled Ontario reserve


- ELIZABETH PAYNE Epayne@ottawaciti­

Robert Sutherland was heading to bed last Saturday night when there was an urgent knock on his door.

“We need you at the hospital for security,” the 27-yearold man was told.

Sutherland hopped in his truck and raced the few gravel blocks from his clapboard home to the reserve’s small hospital, not sure what he would find.

What he saw has turned the eyes of the world to this beleaguere­d fly-in reserve near James Bay in northern Ontario, where raw pain and defiant pride exist in equal measure, where young people have no memory of ever drinking water from a tap at home, where housing is in short supply and often mould-ridden, where drug and alcohol abuse are rampant and almost everyone has been touched by suicide.

Before last Saturday, Attawapisk­at, population 2,000, was already in the midst of a suicide epidemic. More than 100 residents, children and adults, have attempted to kill themselves since last fall — 28 in March alone.

As the number of suicide attempts mounted, a group of students, desperate to turn things around, walked for three days onto a winter road to convince their peers that suicide is not a solution. They walked in the tradition of other First Nations. They walked because it was a way to move forward — because the living can walk and the dead can’t.

And then, last weekend, things exploded.

What Sutherland saw at the hospital on Saturday night were children — six of them, aged eight to 14. Each of them had tried to take their own life that night, most with a handful of pills.

They were among 11 suicide attempts in Attawapisk­at within 24 hours. Sutherland’s job was to make sure none of them left the hospital until a doctor in another town could assess them. The children mostly sat quietly, looking worn out, until a seventh arrived early Sunday, an agitated 14-year-old, who kept shouting, “I wish I did it, I should have done it.”

Hours later, the teenager quietly wept.

Sutherland, a father of two who wants to work with young people to build a better future in Attawapisk­at, looked at these kids and thought, “Is this what our community is coming to?”

Two days later, things got worse.

A mind-bending 20 Attawapisk­at residents tried to kill themselves on Monday night, including 13 children and teens believed to be part of a suicide pact. According to one band councillor, they shared messages on Facebook, asking each other “Are you in pain like I am?” and affirming, “We can end this pain.” Some were detained by police as a protective measure.

“It is overwhelmi­ng when you see your community going through a crisis like this,” says Attawapisk­at Chief Bruce Shisheesh. “Every time my phone rings, I get worried: What if it is bad news?”

Bad news seems to follow Genise, 12. This week, as her classmates at Kattawapis­kak Elementary School were preparing for the annual science fair, she was in a hospital hundreds of kilometres away, recovering from two suicide attempts made in two days last weekend. On Saturday night, she was one of the children Sutherland watched over at Attawapisk­at’s small hospital.

Genise says she took the pills that night “just for fun,” not thinking about the consequenc­es.

By Monday, though, she was in a state of despair over the suicide of her good friend Sheridan Koostachin, 14, who hanged herself in October; she took 40 pills, no longer “just for fun.”

Genise was flown by air ambulance to Moose Factory, nearly 200 kilometres away, for treatment. By Thursday, she was back home in Attawapisk­at. As soon as she landed she headed straight to the community centre where a group was conducting a youth summit in the hopes of turning the community’s tragic narrative around.

Sitting outside the centre in the spring sunshine, the 12-year-old talked about the past few days. Then she rolled up her pant leg: the letters SJSH are carved in her calf — scars for her friend Sheridan Jeanine Stephanie Hookimaw.

“I am scared and lost sometimes when she is not here,” Genise says. “I want her to be back here, but she can’t.”

Genise’s friend Syvanna, 17, is worried, too.

Four of her friends, including Genise, tried to take their lives Monday night.

“We are all scared for them.”

Syvanna knows the despair that can lead young people in the community to take such action. In January, her mother and sister had to wrestle scissors away from her. “I just wanted to end the pain.”

Now, she says, she is joining the group trying to turn the crisis around and spread the message that “suicide isn’t the answer.”

Finding a solution will not be easy, of course.

But, says one health worker, “I am glad it is the youth who are finally speaking up. They are frustrated. It hasn’t changed since they were kids ... They want a better life.”

Attawapisk­at does have one powerful young role model. One of its bestknown residents is Shannen Koostachin who, when she was in middle school, went toe-to-toe with the Indian Affairs minister of the day, demanding a “safe, comfy school” in her community, instead of the freezing portables where she and her classmates were being educated.

Today, Attawapisk­at has a state-of-the art elementary school that is a tribute to her tenacity. She was not around to see it built, though. Shannen died in a car crash in 2010 after moving south to attend high school in Cochrane, Ont. An angel marks her grave in the Attawapisk­at cemetery.

Shannen’s father, Andrew, who sits on the Attawapisk­at band council, says he believes her spirit is with the community’s young people.

“When I saw the youth walkers last week, I thought about her and what she would be doing if she was here. I know she would be totally involved with the youth, she would be out there walking.”

Wednesday, when Ontario Health Minister Eric Hoskins, Children and Youth Minister Tracy MacCharles and Assembly of First Nations Chief Perry Bellegarde visited, Shannen was very much on the minds of some of the teens who spoke to them about their concerns and hopes.

“Before I made a speech, I was thinking, if my cousin Shannen can do it, I can do it,” says Karissa Koostachin, 14. “I know she is here with us in spirit. I know that for sure.”

Hoskins and MacCharles landed with the promise of up to $2 million in emergency funding, including the services of more than a dozen health and psychologi­cal workers, most of it to be spent within 30 days. It’s the first time, said Hoskins, the province’s emergency medical assistance team has been sent in to help a community deal with a mental-health crisis.

But in the longer term, Shisheesh says, Attawapisk­at needs more. He called on the federal government to “step up” as well.

Until then, front-line help is falling to those already here.

Teachers, for instance, are providing a level of care usually reserved for social workers. The schools, which provide meals to students, also help by occasional­ly sheltering them in classrooms.

Despite a shiny new elementary school, though, school board officials say the reserve’s high school, with its cramped spaces and science labs, had to be closed because of poor ventilatio­n.

“Would you send your child here?” asks Miriam Wesley.

Teachers and schools can do nothing about the overcrowdi­ng young people experience at home, where three to four families are often crammed into a single house.

Even though Attawapisk­at is a dry community, the use of speed and Percocet are also rampant.

“It is not just the youth,” one grandmothe­r says of the community’s challenges. Her 34-year-old daughter died of a heart attack last year caused by addiction to speed. She died on the kitchen floor in front of her three children, who have yet to receive any counsellin­g.

Despite the darkness, community members have rallied against outsiders who suggest leaving their land is a solution; they don’t understand how important the land is to its residents.

With goose hunting season arriving and many Attawapisk­at families preparing to head to their hunting camps for two weeks, there is, in fact, a surprising sense of optimism in the air that, this time, the old cycles of self-harm might be broken.

“This is the first time I have seen everybody involved and everybody standing up,” says Andrew Koostachin.

“Is there hope? I can feel it and I can see it in the youth. I think this time it is going to make a difference.”


 ??  ??
 ?? JULIE OLIVER / POSTMEDIA NEWS ?? Even before last Saturday, Attawapisk­at had been dealing with a suicide epidemic. More than 100 residents have attempted to kill themselves since last fall — 28 in March alone.
JULIE OLIVER / POSTMEDIA NEWS Even before last Saturday, Attawapisk­at had been dealing with a suicide epidemic. More than 100 residents have attempted to kill themselves since last fall — 28 in March alone.

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