Saskatoon StarPhoenix

No time for fake debates on climate change

- MICHAEL E. MANN Michael E. Mann is distinguis­hed professor of atmospheri­c science and director of the Earth System Science Center at Penn State University.

Herb Pinder, who is associated with the free market advocacy group the Fraser Institute, did a disservice to your readers by promoting falsehoods about climate change and making untruthful statements about my own scientific work (‘Climate change alarmists ignore nature’s role,’ July 16).

The headline to the piece is false, as climate scientists have spent decades studying natural influences on climate. That research has demonstrat­ed that natural factors cannot explain the warming of the past century. Indeed, the globe should have cooled if natural factors alone were at work.

Pinder dismisses humancause­d climate change as “a political construct” when in fact it is the conclusion of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences, the national academies of Canada and all other industrial nations, and more than 97 per cent of scientists who have published on the topic.

Pinder offers up the usual litany of untruths, specious factoids and misleading sound-bites like: “climate is always changing!” (No. 1 on the Skeptical Science list of standard climate change denier talking points; yes climate has changed in the past, but natural factors cannot explain the magnitude and rate of modern-day global warming) and “global warming has stopped” (No. 9 on the Skeptical Science list. The claim is simply absurd: the last two years were globally the warmest years on record, and in the U.S. we just had our warmest June on record) and “the amount of CO2 we’ve added is too small to influence climate” (No. 30 on the SkS list; global temperatur­es are very sensitive to atmospheri­c CO2 concentrat­ions, and we’re well on our way to doubling them).

In attempting to malign my own work, Pinder cites fellow Fraser Institute climate change denier Ross McKitrick, someone with no scientific credential­s whose specious claims have been rejected by actual scientists.

Pinder refers to my “models” having been “discredite­d” by their “increasing­ly inaccurate forecasts,” insisting McKitrick has shown “Mann’s forecast of sharply increasing temperatur­es has not occurred despite increasing C02 emissions.” Pinder apparently hasn’t studied his denier talking points carefully enough, however.

McKitrick’s attacks have nothing at all to do with climate models. Instead they concern the well-known “hockey stick” temperatur­e curve I published in the late 1990s that demonstrat­es recent warming to be unpreceden­ted in at least 1,000 years.

As I recount in “The Hockey Stick and the Climate Wars,” this work has been attacked by industry-funded climate change deniers like McKitrick for more than a decade owing to the simple, undeniable message it conveys about the dramatic impact human activity is having on Earth’s climate. It has nonetheles­s stood the test of time.

Pinder fails to note that the highest scientific body in the U.S., the National Academy of Sciences, affirmed my research findings in an exhaustive independen­t review published in June 2006 (see e.g. ‘Science Panel Backs Study on Warming Climate,’ New York Times, June 22, 2006).

In the decade and a half since our original published work, dozens of groups of scientists have independen­tly reproduced, confirmed, and extended our findings, including most recently an internatio­nal team of nearly 80 scientists from around the world, publishing in the premier journal Nature Geoscience.

The most recent report of the Intergover­nmental Panel on Climate Change, the most authoritat­ive assessment of climate science available, concluded that recent warmth is likely unpreceden­ted over an even longer time frame than we had concluded (at least the past 1,400 years). Of course, the “hockey stick” is only one of numerous independen­t lines of evidence that have led the world’s scientists to conclude that climate change is a) real, b) caused by the burning of fossil fuels, and c) a grave threat if we do nothing about it.

Readers interested in the truth behind the science, rather than the falsehoods and smears perpetuate­d by individual­s like Pinder, should consult scientistr­un websites like skepticals­, or books on the topic like my own Dire Prediction­s: Understand­ing Climate Change.

Let’s get past the fake debate about whether the problem exists, and on to the worthy debate about what to do about it.

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