Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Ideas to fore in Conservati­ve race

New ideas add spark to dull leadership race


The early line on the Conservati­ve leadership race — and it is very early, with the vote still nine months away — has been one of disappoint­ment: yawn fest, gravitas gap, if only that dreamy Peter MacKay were running, etc. Certainly when your biggest name to announce to date is Tony Clement, there is little danger of the party succumbing to a cult of the personalit­y. Maxime Bernier, Michael Chong, Kellie Leitch, Brad Trost — they may be described in many ways, but “future prime minister” is not the phrase that springs immediatel­y to mind.

But there is an upside to all this mediocrity. Without a front-runner to crown, without much in the way of money, or name recognitio­n, or charisma, the candidates have been forced to fall back on something else to make their case: ideas. The party that did its best to banish new or even old thinking throughout its long stretch in power, when it was at pains to reassure a skeptical public that, contrary to what they might have heard, it did not believe in anything, is showing signs of an intellectu­al rebirth in opposition.

I don’t want to overstate this. It may be that another, more presentabl­y vapid candidate will get into the race, on the not unreasonab­le calculatio­n that what the party wants is not long, boring discussion­s of what the candidates stand for but a winning smile and the right mix of region, race or gender, and this brief summer of wonk will be over.

Policy, after all, rarely decides these things, least of all in Canada. I can’t think of one thing that Lisa Raitt stands for, for example, though it is fascinatin­g to imagine what an ideas-based MacKay campaign would look like. Or perhaps the race will go to a Patrick Brown type, with nothing much to say but masses of determinat­ion and organizati­onal ability: Leitch, perhaps.

Still, for now it is still possible, if inadvisabl­e, to hope. And in the wonks’ primary, the early front-runner is clearly Bernier. The former small business, industry and foreign minister has been staking out radical policy positions it seems every other day. He would deregulate telecommun­ications, opening the wireless industry to foreign competitio­n. He would dismantle the system of agricultur­al quotas and import tariffs known as supply management. He’d break open Canada Post’s monopoly on first-class mail, and privatize the corporatio­n. He’d allow foreign airlines to carry passengers between Canadian cities.

And in his latest and boldest shot, he’d use the federal government’s constituti­onal power over “trade and commerce” to force an end to interprovi­ncial trade barriers, enacting an Economic Charter of Rights for Canadians and an Economic Freedom Commission to enforce it. What all these have in common is that a) they would lower prices to consumers, b) they have been advocated by economists and other experts for decades, and c) they are regarded as political non-starters. But then, so were deficits and tax hikes not so long ago.

The other declared candidates have not been as detailed in their policy proposals to date. But based on their statements and records, we have a pretty good idea of some of the ideas they are likely to advance. Chong has been explicit in his view that it is time the party came up with a better answer to climate change than the combinatio­n of foot-dragging and costly, heavy-handed regulation it offered while in power. Expect to hear him talk about carbon pricing — as the market-based solution, a more natural fit with Conservati­ve principles.

Chong’s history of interest in democratic and parliament­ary reform is also likely to surface in the campaign. And he has been dropping hints that tax reform will as well, in which a host of distortion­ary tax preference­s and deductions would be erased in favour of broadbased cuts in rates: again, an area that Conservati­ves once owned, only to veer in the opposite direction under Stephen Harper.

As a prominent minister throughout those years, Clement wears much of that record. Neverthele­ss he’s long been known as something of a wonk, and it would be surprising if we did not see some interestin­g proposals from him. Like Chong, he’s talked about the need to apply Conservati­ve principles in areas that have not been known as party strengths: not only climate change, but poverty reduction. As a teaser, he’s mentioned rethinking the CBC, surely long overdue in an age when not only the public broadcasti­ng model, but broadcasti­ng itself, as something delivered in continuous streams, on fixed schedules, to self-contained, specially purposed bits of hardware, looks increasing­ly antique.

Trost and Pierre Lemieux are the latest candidates to enter the race, both decidedly in the social conservati­ve camp. We shall see what exactly that means: while there would seem little point in relitigati­ng same-sex marriage, there is a legitimate position for conservati­ves to defend on assisted suicide and, yes, abortion, given Canada’s anomalous and unlegislat­ed position as the only country in the democratic world without legal restrictio­ns of any kind.

Social conservati­ves were not the only part of the Conservati­ve coalition who were abandoned during the Harper years. Free-market conservati­ves, fiscal conservati­ves, democratic conservati­ves: the party served none of them well in power, when it was not actively silencing them. Now the leadership race promises each a chance to make its case, and it is good to see them taking advantage of it.

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 ?? JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Maxime Bernier has been staking out radical policy positions in his quest to lead the federal Conservati­ve party. He would deregulate telecommun­ications, for instance, opening the wireless industry to foreign competitio­n.
JUSTIN TANG / THE CANADIAN PRESS Maxime Bernier has been staking out radical policy positions in his quest to lead the federal Conservati­ve party. He would deregulate telecommun­ications, for instance, opening the wireless industry to foreign competitio­n.
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