Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Parks Canada homage in Jasper channels ghost of Neville Chamberlai­n

Plaque omits brutal treatment of mountain’s namesake Edith Cavell


Not as familiar as Banff, Jasper is hardly less spectacula­r and a lot less crowded. A divided highway reaches from Saskatoon through Edmonton and almost to the park gates, where you have to slow down anyway or you’ll run into a mountain.

The town is surrounded by mountains, but the one that grabs your attention is Mount Edith Cavell. The visible face is a vertical, limestone wall more than 2,000 metres from top to bottom. Thin, white striations cut across the length of it, creating narrow ledges where snow accumulate­s even in August. It looks like a cross section, with half the mountain sliced away to reveal the violent geology within.

Forbidding though it appears, Mount Edith Cavell is accessible by an excellent, paved road, but with switchback­s so sharp you almost have to back up to make it around the corners. No trailers allowed. Those who make the drive are rewarded with views beyond stupendous. Too bad the scenery is besmirched by a dirty lie of omission.

At the base of the mountain is a Parks Canada display on the woman for whom the mountain is named. Edith Cavell, it says, was a “British nurse who aided wounded soldiers in World War 1.” That’s it. Left out is what distinguis­hes Edith Cavell from countless other nurses who aided wounded soldiers in the First World War and did not have a mountain named after them. She deserves better.

Among the most respected nurses in Britain, Cavell was recruited in 1907, at the age of 42, to run a big new nursing school in Brussels. She still was there in 1914 when the Germans invaded and brutally occupied neutral Belgium. Again, she emerged as a leader, now in the tireless service of wounded soldiers on both sides. But that was just her daytime job. At night, she helped spirit out of the country, from under German noses, some 200 Allied soldiers.

In spite of her clandestin­e activities, Cavell drew attention to herself by denouncing the Germans at every opportunit­y. She couldn’t help it. She simply refused to be pushed around. Of course, the Germans eventually caught and imprisoned her. Charged with treason and tried by court martial, she defiantly confessed, but without implicatin­g others. She had done nothing more, she insisted, than would be expected of any patriot. Her conviction a formality, she was sentenced to be shot, as required under German military law.

The Allies, including Canada, were appalled by the death sentence, but Cavell was beyond their help. Even the U.S., as yet uninvolved in the war, implored the Germans not to shoot her. It would only reinforce the impression of German beastlines­s, the Americans warned, and help draw the U.S. into the allied camp. German diplomats were sympatheti­c. Cavell had saved the lives of wounded Germans. She had testified honestly. Her execution would fuel enemy propaganda. Even so, the stupid, brutal German military that then was calling the shots proceeded with the execution. Oct. 11, 1915, Edith Cavell was taken to a military shooting range, tied to a post alongside a condemned Belgian confederat­e and shot by a firing squad of 16 German soldiers. The night before, she told her priest she forgave them for what they were going to do.

German reaction to howls of outrage from around the world was to point to the relevant article of their military law. We had to follow the rules, they said.

Edith Cavell then was among the most famous women in the world and remained the most prominent female casualty of war. Co-incidental­ly, the area around Jasper was just then being opened for recreation and eventually, a national park. With Canada deep into the war still grinding on in Europe, it only made sense to name the most visible mountain after a woman and Allied war hero shot in cold blood by the wicked Germans.

Parks Canada seems to prefer that none of this gets mentioned. A lot of German tourists visit Jasper. They’re our friends now. They come to the park to hike and camp and commune with nature. Why upset them with unpleasant stories dredged up from the gruesome past?

In these more enlightene­d times, there is no shame in appeasing the Germans.

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