Saskatoon StarPhoenix

The roads belong to everyone


For a while now I’ve read letters from cyclists who complain about drivers and drivers who complain about cyclists. As both a cyclist and a driver, I think it’s time for a middle of the road opinion, no pun intended.

Drivers think that many cyclists are a nuisance who don’t obey the rules of the road, ride wherever they want, etc. They’re right. I see such cyclists when I’m biking and I can’t stand it. I give them the what-for whenever I can.

However, not all cyclists are like that. The serious cyclists strive to obey all traffic rules and not bike like jerks. Don’t assume that they are all the same.

Cyclists think that drivers assume the road belongs to them, and how dare anyone else occupy the space they are driving on. They, too, are right. I see such motorists when I’m biking and driving. I would give them the what-for, but they’re faster than me and bravely ride in a tube of steel and glass. However, not all drivers are like that, either. Many are courteous to cyclists and careful when approachin­g and passing. Don’t assume they are all the same.

However, I would like to send one message to drivers who slow down to let me cross when they have the right of way or when I’m at a stop sign: Please don’t. I am perfectly happy to wait until it is safe to cross. Just because you’ve stopped for me doesn’t mean the impatient driver behind you won’t pass you and smash into me.

I’m supposed to obey the traffic signs, and I will do that. Serious cyclists would agree with me.

As for the downtown bike lanes, they are a waste of money. Better that the money would have been used to smooth out the roads for everybody. We can all share a nicely paved road instead of driving or biking down a pothole-filled road with a bike lane that is hardly used, pushing parked cars into the middle of the street.

The road belongs to everyone. Lose your feeling of entitlemen­t, and have respect, courtesy and patience. Mike Wasylenka, Saskatoon

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