Saskatoon StarPhoenix



When Statistics Canada issued its latest crop production forecast this week, indicating Saskatchew­an farmers could produce a 33.6-million-tonne crop — second-largest in history — you didn’t hear a lot of champagne corks popping all over the grainbelt.

In fact, you didn’t even see a provincial government press release announcing the projected bumper crop. When I called Saskatchew­an Agricultur­e to get more details, a ministry spokeswoma­n confirmed that, yes, the 33.6 million tonnes would be, if achieved, the second-largest, next to the record crop of 39.1 million tonnes harvested in 2013-14.

That’s it. No fanfare. No drum roll. Nothing.

You’d think that we’d be celebratin­g a bumper crop, especially with oil and potash prices being in the tank and the economy seemingly stuck in neutral. But you’d be wrong.

First of all, it’s a time-honoured tradition in farm country not to celebrate bumper crops before they’re in the bin. Many things can happen between now and harvest completion and most are bad.

Frost, rain, hail and disease are the proverbial four horsemen of the apocalypse for farmers at harvest time. You don’t go bragging about a bumper crop for fear of inviting any of these four harbingers of doom to descend upon on your farm and punish you for the sin of hubris.

And while a large crop is generally a good thing, a large, lowgrade crop isn’t. Unfortunat­ely, the quality of some cereal, oilseed and pulse crops has been reduced by excess moisture, strong winds, lodging and disease.

But there are other, perhaps more important, reasons why producers are reluctant to break out the champagne, or even put any bottles on ice, at the news we could be in for a bumper crop this year.

For starters, the price of agricultur­al commoditie­s is down across the board due to bumper crops in other parts of the world. BMO Capital Markets agricultur­al commodity price index dropped 10 per cent in July as “signs of abundance spanned virtually every corner of the sector. Crop prices took the biggest hit, with wheat falling to a 10-year low as the U.S. Department of Agricultur­e raised its expectatio­ns for this year’s harvest and carry-over stocks.’’

Wheat prices at US$4.16 per bushel in mid-August are the lowest since 2006 when they averaged US$4.02, while canola at US$355 per tonne is the lowest since 2006 when it averaged US$257 per tonne.

That’s bad news for Saskatchew­an grains and oilseeds farmers. The hopes for a big, fat cheque to go along with the bumper crop are slowly fading as the price of wheat and canola sink to the lowest in a decade.

Even more bad news. Canadian canola shipments of close to four million tonnes to China — representi­ng 40 per cent of total shipments and valued at $2 billion in 2015 — could be reduced to a trickle if the People’s Republic goes ahead with tighter standards on the amount of foreign material in canola shipped to China.

Canada has until Sept. 1 to resolve the dispute when the new standards take effect, potentiall­y closing off the Chinese market to Canadian canola producers, who are expecting to harvest 17 million tonnes — 8.9 million tonnes of that in Saskatchew­an — the third-largest crop ever.

But as one Winnipeg-based commodity grain trader remarked: “If China’s gone, we don’t need a monster canola crop.’’

“Taking a $2-billion customer off the market, that could mean absolute hell for prices, especially as we’ve got this large crop coming in,’’ added Norm Hall, president of the Agricultur­e Producers Associatio­n of Saskatchew­an.

But wait, it gets worse. The last time we had a bumper crop in Saskatchew­an and Western Canada was in 2013. That record crop of 76 million tonnes — 39 million tonnes from Saskatchew­an — clogged every grain bin, elevator and inland terminal in the country.

That record crop, combined with wicked winter weather, railways that were woefully unprepared to ship grain having cut employees and mothballed rolling stock, grain companies not used to handling that much grain and, last but not least, without logistics co-ordination provided by the Canadian Wheat Board, resulted in a catastroph­e of biblical proportion­s.

That grain backlog cost western farmers billions of dollars in lost income and deferred sales.

No wonder you don’t hear much cheering about a bumper crop in farm country this harvest season.

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