Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Recording the bad behaviour of employees may not be enough

- HOWARD LEVITT Financial Post Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. Employment Law Hour with Howard Levitt airs Sundays at 1 p.m. on NEWSTALK 1010 in Toronto. hlevitt@

I used to start client seminars with the adage: The first three rules in building up a case are: “1) Document, 2) Document, 3) Document.”

I have since learned otherwise. I now often remind my employer clients that simply recording bad behaviour is unhelpful in later terminatin­g that employee. Recently, an employer contacted me to discuss terminatin­g an older, five-year executive. The employer provided examples of the employee lying about his whereabout­s, using office time and materials to help with his part-time teaching job, making disparagin­g remarks about other managers, and even asking his assistant to tell lies on his behalf.

Why, the client asked, could they not rely on the incidents of misconduct from two years earlier? Simple answer: They knew what he did, but did little more than confirm their displeasur­e. Understand­ably, this imparted to the employee the apprehensi­on that his conduct was not that bad and would not result in dismissal. Coupled with this, the employer didn’t know how to investigat­e misconduct generally. Both issues needed to be dealt with quickly. It is not uncommon that small- to medium-sized employers with long-tenured employees find themselves in this conundrum.

Problemati­cally, a significan­t number of employment lawyers continue to misinform their clients about what qualifies as cause, saying that virtually nothing qualifies — which is false. In this case, the employer had been sitting on superb cause allegation­s for at least two years.

Once the employer understood that little outside of the final incident could be used, we moved to develop the investigat­ion strategy. So how do you deal with investigat­ing the serial liar who had never previously been questioned? The rules are the same for all investigat­ions: An employer must give the employee a fair opportunit­y to present his side of the story and make the final decision on next steps only after fairly evaluating what they learn.

What does this mean for employers when looking at past misconduct?

Deal with all misconduct allegation­s in a consistent and timely manner: While you might not be as upset the first time an employee contravene­s your policies, your failure to remedy the incident means you can’t rely on it later – when inevitably – the employee does it again.

It is possible to remedy your past failures to deal with misconduct: Employers fall into a rut in believing that they are forced to run their business the same way, even after they realize deficienci­es in disciplina­ry procedures. Your employment lawyer can help shape your future practices so that you are not forced to provide significan­t severance packages to long-term employees involved in serious misconduct.

Dealing with the past condonatio­n: For less serious misconduct, such as the personal use of office supplies, your past condonatio­n does not mean that you must tolerate the bad behaviour forever. Implement a new policy on “use of office supplies,” and ensure that it is well disseminat­ed throughout the workplace.

Don’t write the terminatio­n letter in advance of conducting the investigat­ion: Doing so will demonstrat­e to the court that your investigat­ion was a sham.

What should employers remember about investigat­ions?

Don’t be afraid to investigat­e incidents yourself: Courts do not mandate third-party investigat­ions. They are costly, almost never cost-justified and are often not used after expending that cost. Indeed, the investigat­or’s findings are irrelevant to the court, which will conduct its own analysis. Instead, work with your lawyer to understand your obligation to conduct one that is fair — judges don’t look for a perfect investigat­ion, only a reasonable one.

Assume everything you write in relation to an investigat­ion will be published on the front page: This is only a mild exaggerati­on and relates to your internal emails on the employee, and the letters you eventually send to that employee. Think critically about the message you want to convey – it should be clear and not embarrassi­ng to you when disclosed.

Don’t make investigat­ion notes: Scribbles on a notepad almost always throw a wrench into an otherwise respectabl­e attempt to investigat­e an incident. In my experience, notes made while trying to listen to various witnesses are largely inaccurate and often times at odds with the reasons around the final decision to terminate.

Ensure that the employee knows what the meeting is about: This might sound obvious, but often employees claims that they had no idea that the meeting was an investigat­ion meeting. Your investigat­ion need not be perfect, only reasonable: The courts have made it clear that while the investigat­ion need not be perfect, it must be reasonable and fulsome. There is little law surroundin­g investigat­ions, they are simple to do and, if you want additional credibilit­y for the investigat­or, get your HR person certified as one.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? When dealing with misconduct at work, an employer must give the employee a fair opportunit­y to present his side of the story and fairly evaluate what they learn, writes Howard Levitt.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O When dealing with misconduct at work, an employer must give the employee a fair opportunit­y to present his side of the story and fairly evaluate what they learn, writes Howard Levitt.

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