Saskatoon StarPhoenix

‘I think they’ve been misguided’

Municipali­ties defiant on government decision to slash grants worth $33M

- ALEX MacPHERSON amacpherso­­a

The government’s decision to cut $33 million from municipali­ties is based on a “misguided” assumption that funds paid out by some Crown corporatio­ns are grants in-lieu of local property taxes, according to the associatio­n representi­ng cities and towns.

While the province says the decision corrects an “unfairness,” grants paid to cities by SaskPower, SaskEnergy and TransGas are based on decades-old distributi­on deals, said Saskatchew­an Urban Municipali­ties Associatio­n (SUMA) CEO Laurent Mougeot.

“These are legal, binding contracts,” Mougeot said of the agreements, which were made in the 1940s and 1950s when more than 100 communitie­s agreed to be compensate­d for giving the newly-incorporat­ed SaskPower exclusive electricit­y distributi­on rights.

“Those agreements were proper when SaskPower came along and they were proper for 60-some years. Now all of a sudden somebody looks at that, fails to understand what they really are, calls them by another name (and) looks at it as being unfair?”

Finance Minister Kevin Doherty’s 2017-18 budget redirected into government coffers $36 million in “grants-in-lieu of taxes” that would have been paid by SaskPower, SaskEnergy and TransGas.

Days after the budget emerged, in response to vigorous protests from local leaders, the province capped the reductions at 30 per cent of a given municipali­ty’s revenue-sharing total, which reduced the total amount to $33 million from $36 million.

Other Crown corporatio­ns are expected to pay $29 million to municipali­ties, which also receive millions in provincial revenue sharing. A surcharge imposed by cities and towns on SaskPower electricit­y sales remains in place.

The cuts, which aim to shave the current $1.3-billion deficit to $685 million, have been widely criticized by mayors across the province. The Opposition Saskatchew­an NDP called the decision to scrap some but not all grants “mind-blowing.”

The decision also led to a rift between urban and rural municipali­ties; however, Mougeout and Saskatchew­an Associatio­n of Rural Municipali­ties president Ray Orb downplayed that on Tuesday, noting communitie­s across the province are reeling from budget cuts.

Government Relations Minister Donna Harpauer told the Saskatoon Star Phoenix this week that eliminatin­g grants paid by SaskPower, SaskEnergy and TransGas but not other Crown corporatio­ns was intended to make the system more equitable.

“The majority of municipali­ties were treated unfairly all these decades … This is a very inequitabl­e, complicate­d program that needed to be addressed,” Harpauer said, adding that the Crown corporatio­ns in question could end up paying municipal property taxes.

That logic is faulty, Mougeot said, as it wrongly equates agreements to exchange distributi­on rights for perpetual compensati­on with funds paid by other Crown corporatio­ns, such as SaskTel and SGI, in lieu of local property taxes.

And while municipali­ties have a strong legal case, any court challenge is likely to be thwarted by new amendments to the Power Corporatio­n and SaskEnergy Acts that “remove any ability for a party to take objection to the new law,” he added.

“I think they’ve been misguided along the way, and as they’re discoverin­g what this means and the reality that these are legally binding contracts, they cover the ability for anyone to challenge them (with) very, very strong measures.”

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