Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Time has come to amalgamate school systems

Catholics no longer need special protection, writes Ailsa M. Watkinson.


The Sask. Party’s response to the decision concerning public funding of non-Catholic students who attend Catholic separate schools is disquietin­g. Instead of taking the opportunit­y to review and update the provision of public education, Premier Brad Wall threatened to use the notwithsta­nding clause, in an attempt to stun us into silence and trump an otherwise worthwhile and overdue public discussion on whether to maintain two parallel and competing systems.

We are all fully aware of the drastic cuts being proposed by the Sask. Party. Within this austerity milieu sits one public program, education, that if amalgamate­d could save us all money.

The drafters of our Constituti­on drew up a plan to protect certain minority religious groups by permitting them to establish their own schools to ensure they were educated in their parents’ beliefs, “untrammele­d by the domination of the larger group.” In Quebec, the minority religious group was Protestant­s, in Saskatchew­an it was Catholics.

The original purpose of the constituti­onal agreement of 1867 that folded into the 1905 Saskatchew­an Act was based on the minority status of Catholics in Saskatchew­an which, around 1905, was estimated to be 18.4 per cent of the population while the Protestant population was 74.35 per cent. As of 2011, Roman Catholics represente­d 29.52 per cent of Saskatchew­an’s population and Protestant­s 35.74 per cent. Other religious groups make up 10.32 per cent, while 24.4 per cent have no religious affiliatio­n. Justice Layh, in his decision, notes that “expressed as a ratio, for every 100 Protestant­s there were 24.7 Catholics in 1902 and 82.6 in 2011.” Thus the goal of protecting the Catholic faith in Saskatchew­an has been achieved. Over the last 150 years their representa­tion has almost doubled. They no longer require protection.

The special status still in place for Catholic separate schools, which allowed them to receive funding for nonCatholi­c students, is not available to other religious schools. This is why public funding of non-Catholic students was deemed an infringeme­nt of the state’s duty to religious neutrality. As noted in the decision: “When the state, at public expense, funds and thereby promotes the interest of the Catholic faith by enabling it to disseminat­e its teaching to non-Catholic students in a manner denied to any other religious group, the state has infringed its duty of religious neutrality.”

Saskatchew­an could and should seek a constituti­onal amendment and remove the special status afforded Catholic separate schools for a number of other reasons as well. Catholic separate education is mainly found in urban areas, which means rural taxpayers are subsidizin­g what some refer to as “a choice” but not for them. Also, as part of the fallout to this outdated agreement, the Catholic system has been permitted to discrimina­te by limiting employment to Catholic teachers and staff.

It is also important to point out that the Roman Catholic Church and other religions promote tenets contrary to our agreed-upon contract of ensuring that equality rights are upheld. Catholic theology is opposed to women’s reproducti­ve health rights as guaranteed in the charter. There are other clashes with equality rights, including discrimina­ting against teachers and staff on the basis of their marital status, family status and sexual orientatio­n. In some jurisdicti­ons, religious and Catholic separate schools have refused to permit gaystraigh­t alliances and due to the constituti­onal licence given Catholic schools, they do not have to provide an even-handed approach to other religious beliefs.

By amalgamati­ng the school systems we would save the costs associated with duplicate administra­tion, school boards, busing and infrastruc­ture. A study in Ontario estimated the savings associated with amalgamati­on of their two systems would be between $1.2 billion-$1.4 billion. No schools would be half-empty, as suggested by the premier, rather every school would be public, brimming with students and an array of programs to provide parents and students with choices. We would be one public education system that promotes equality, non-discrimina­tion and is inclusive and respectful of all religions and non-believers.

Ailsa M. Watkinson is a professor with the faculty of social work at the University of Regina, Saskatoon campus.

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