Saskatoon StarPhoenix




NOT OUT TO LUNCH Almost 40 per cent of Canadians are eating lunch at their desks, according to a new study gauging eating habits. The survey, conducted by Nova Scotia’s Dalhousie University, found that 39 per cent of respondent­s ate at their desks, compared with 37 per cent at home, and 24 per cent in a cafeteria or kitchen.


UNDER PRESSURE “It really speaks to how pressured workers are,” said lead author Sylvain Charlebois, a professor in food policy at Dalhousie. “To take the time to go eat any meal at work is slowly becoming a luxury.”


PACKED OFF Charlebois and his team found that 72 per cent of respondent­s packed their own work lunches, while 24 per cent either bought their lunches or ate at restaurant­s. People in Atlantic Canada eat lunch at their desks most often, at almost 50 per cent, the study suggested. They’re also much more likely to eat alone, with 68 per cent reporting doing so.



For dinner, Canadians are increasing­ly turning to ready-made meals or eating out, the study found. Some 41 per cent of survey respondent­s reported doing so once or twice a week, while three per cent said they did so every day. Only 18 per cent of participan­ts said they never ate at restaurant­s or bought ready-made meals for dinner.


‘DISINTEGRA­TION’ Charlebois says the results of the study show what he calls “a complete disintegra­tion of our meal habits” and the abandonmen­t of the traditiona­l three-meals-a-day structure around which most days were scheduled. “Lunch was the first meal to disappear, because most people are challenged by work, and breakfast is next,” he said.

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