Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Country trio kicks off a new era


Over the last decade, country trio Lady Antebellum has experience­d a whirlwind of success, fuelled by platinum records, No. 1 singles and a monster hit with the 2009 drunk-dialing anthem Need You Now. So the last song on the group’s new album (Heart Break), called Famous, might raise some eyebrows with the lyrics.

“Damn, she’s famous, everybody knows what her name is/ Kind of breaks your heart when you think about everything she gave and the life they stole away,” Hillary Scott sings on the melancholy track. “Looking through the lens of make believe/ Ain’t a mystery why a star goes down in flames.”

The trio is quick to clarify that the song is not about them.

They were inspired after watching Amy, a 2015 documentar­y about the late Rehab singer Amy Winehouse. Winehouse’s death — alcohol poisoning at age 27 — struck them as “incredibly sad and avoidable,” according to Charles Kelley, and they wanted to write a song about the perils of megafame, especially as they reflected on the importance of having a support system as they became stars.

“We don’t quite feel that level of fame,” Kelley said. “We get the best of both worlds. We get to live this rock-star fantasy onstage and then walk off and still be able to go down to the Walmart.”

True, but there’s a good chance that if Scott, Kelley and Dave Haywood sauntered into a store together, they’d attract some attention. Their sixth studio album went No. 1 on the Billboard country charts when it debuted earlier this month. And they recently began a world tour.

The stakes were high for this record, arriving after Lady Antebellum took a two-year hiatus.

When the band members announced they were taking a break in 2015, they assured fans it was just temporary. True to their word, after working on individual projects (Scott recorded a Christian album with her family; Kelley released a solo album; Haywood got into producing), they were back together.

But they knew they needed to recharge to kick off the new era.

So they came up with a plan — hit the beach.

Specifical­ly, in Florida for a twoweek writers retreat, where they collaborat­ed with some of their favourite songwriter­s, followed by a few more weeks in Los Angeles, where they recorded with their producer, who goes by Busbee. With their spouses and kids back home in Nashville, they could concentrat­e solely on the work. They returned with about 40 new songs.

“We tried to really get back to the way we started (the band), where there was no set schedule,” Scott said. “

As we got used to travelling and being on the road, and our families grew, it became a little bit more of a challenge to do that.”

When the three formed Lady Antebellum more than a decade ago, Kelley and Haywood were living at the house of Kelley’s brother (singer-songwriter Josh Kelley), outside of Nashville. Scott would come over, and they would hang at the pool, get the guitars out and write.

“This just reminded us of that experience,” Haywood said.

“I feel like we tried to get back to that innocence of writing, just from a purely enjoyment place and stuff that we really believed in and loved.”

As the group learned, it’s much more difficult to do that when your band takes off (as Lady Antebellum did in 2008 after its self-titled debut record), and there’s a significan­t amount of pressure from the industry to quickly follow every hit with another hit.

The band had some single misfires that didn’t climb the charts, and, as Kelley once put it, the group essentiall­y became a “machine.”

Now, Kelley said, this album boasts their strongest songwritin­g in a long time, with such songs as Heart Break, the pop-infused title track about taking time between relationsh­ips; and This City, an upbeat tune about a night on the town.

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 ??  ?? The members of Lady Antebellum include Dave Haywood, left, Hillary Scott and Charles Kelley.
The members of Lady Antebellum include Dave Haywood, left, Hillary Scott and Charles Kelley.

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