Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Costs by all parties in Theodore case could hit $5M: province

Government estimates total costs by all parties in Theodore case at $5 million

- MORGAN MODJESKI —With files from Ashley Martin

Legal fees associated with a controvers­ial court ruling on Catholic student funding in Saskatchew­an have surpassed $4.3 million and are expected to climb further as the ruling is appealed at the provincial level and likely makes its way to the Supreme Court of Canada.

The case concerns St. Theodore Roman Catholic School, the Catholic elementary school in Theodore, 40 kilometres northwest of Yorkton. Prior to 2003, it was a public school known as Theodore School.

Separate schools have protection under the Constituti­on, so when the school was on the closure list by the pre-amalgamati­on Yorkdale School Division, a minority group of Catholics in the community petitioned the government to form the Theodore Roman Catholic School Division, which is now part of the Christ the Teacher division.

The new division purchased the school building and opened St. Theodore School. In 2003, 13 of its 42 students were Catholic — 31 per cent. In the years since, the highest was 39 per cent.

The trial surroundin­g the issue wrapped in 2016 and the judge’s 242-page ruling was released in April, but the process has been unfolding for more than a decade. In simplest terms, Justice Donald Layh’s ruling found the province is violating the Charter of Rights and Freedoms by funding non-minority faith students in Catholic schools.

So far, Saskatchew­an’s 15 public school divisions have paid about $3 million and its eight Catholic divisions have spent about $1.357 million on the case since 2004 and 2005; the cost is split between divisions based on student population.

Good Spirit has served as the public divisions’ representa­tive, and Christ the Teacher has represente­d the Catholic divisions.

Larry Huber, executive director of Public Schools of Saskatchew­an, said the spending on the proceeding­s was necessary because public education is critical and the case will have wide-reaching effects on education in Saskatchew­an and across Canada.

“We’ve always felt it was an important matter,” he said.

“You just have to look at Justice Layh’s decision … he really found that the government — for funding non-Catholics in Catholic schools — he found that was unconstitu­tional and that it violated the duty of religious neutrality that provinces and states have in Canada and it discrimina­ted against other religions.”

His organizati­on feels “that this whole matter should be of concern to the citizens of Saskatchew­an, specifical­ly the supporters of public education, because funds that should have been going to public schools, didn’t,” he added.

Huber said the public divisions made efforts to ensure the issue stayed out of court, noting costs associated with the issue would have been “significan­tly less” if the then-NDP government had followed through with a constituti­onal reference on the issue in May 2005.

Background informatio­n provided by Huber said the reference would have clarified and confirmed “the constituti­onal, legal and financial responsibi­lities of government” regarding the definition of a minority faith school and the registerin­g and funding of nonminorit­y faith students in minority faith schools.

The reference was cancelled in June 2005, and attempts by the public divisions to have it reexamined in 2008 after the Saskatchew­an Party government was elected were unsuccessf­ul. Between 2008 to 2011, mediation efforts took place between the public and Catholic sections, the Saskatchew­an School Boards Associatio­n and the Government of Saskatchew­an, but ended without resolution.

Although a statement from the provincial government indicated a “comprehens­ive summary of expenses incurred by the divisions to litigate the Theodore court case has not been tabulated,” the province estimates total costs by all parties have reached $5 million.

Catholic School Boards Associatio­n executive director Ken Loehndorf said the Catholic section, as the defendant, feels it had no choice but to defend itself through litigation.

“It would be safe to say that the eight Catholic boards associated with our associatio­n were disappoint­ed that they would have to spend this kind of dollars with this court case,” he said. “They recognized that this is money that can well be spent on kids in classrooms, but at the end of the day, there’s simply no choice but to defend the constituti­onal entitlemen­t of Catholic education in the province.”

The Catholic associatio­n has now started a fundraisin­g campaign in an attempt to raise $250,000 to ensure the appeal at the provincial level and a potential appeal at the federal level don’t use provincial funds earmarked for students.

“We are, as a group of eight Catholic boards, we’re very concerned about ensuring the constituti­onal entitlemen­t of Catholic education in this province remains and that Catholic education is in a position to continue to thrive,” Loehndorf said.

In a prepared statement, the Ministry of Education indicated it has requested that education funding “be directed toward the classroom and not the courtroom,” noting the government doesn’t expect any additional costs from the appeal, besides salary costs for employees — like lawyers and administra­tive staff — working on the case.

“Boards of Education across this province continue to be treated fairly and equitably and the Government of Saskatchew­an is providing no additional funding to the Boards of Education, public or Catholic, as it pertains to this litigation,” the statement added.

At the end of the day, there’s simply no choice but to defend the constituti­onal entitlemen­t of Catholic education in the province.

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