Saskatoon StarPhoenix



“Canadians can’t agree on what makes our country great, and one-third even hate hockey: poll.” This is the headline that ran on a Canadian Press story earlier this week. The story goes on to describe a poll by Historica Canada that explored Canadian perception­s of the nation. Turns out consensus was not on the menu for those saddling up to the national table together for this July 1.

The pollsters asked for a single word to describe Canada. “Freedom” or “liberty” was the word used by just a quarter of respondent­s. A third admitted they hate hockey. When asked what Canadian, living or dead, they would like to have dinner with, not one person got more than eight per cent of the vote. (That crooner Celine Dion got five per cent on that question could be a divisive fact all on its own.)

The writer of this story seemed to find the lack of clear messages indicates a possible lack of national identity.

“Almost across the board, the online poll found little consensus on any of the questions, but instead elicited a wide variety of answers,” it reads.

In fact, diversity — and acceptance of this lack of consensus — is foundation­al to the Canadian identity.

It is interestin­g the story does not reference a few representa­tive topics that always seem to tie Canadians together. What about our propensity to apologize, even when things are not our fault? “Sorry” should be a considerat­ion for our national word.

What about our commitment to our national health-care model? A survey this month by Nanos Research points to overwhelmi­ng support — 86.2 per cent — for strengthen­ing public health care. Our citizens are deeply committed to the idea of all people having access to treatment no matter their economic situation.

Canadians tend to err on the side of kindness. This is a trait we need to hold on to at this point in history.

It is a time of divisivene­ss and quick-strike reactions to perceived threats from others. Social media has built a culture where, too often, people are trying to triumphant­ly prove their moral and intellectu­al superiorit­y. Mistakes and missteps are leaped upon with glee. Extremism in our world is leading to terrorist attacks and the deaths of innocent people.

So, on our country’s 150th birthday, we should remember there is room for many definition­s about what makes this nation great. What might just tie them all together is a commitment to kindness and tolerance. This is worth celebratin­g and sharing with the world.

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