Saskatoon StarPhoenix

WORKPLACE LAW Hoist a political placard at your own risk at work

You could be sacked if you have views that differ from the boss, Howard Levitt writes.

- Financial Post Howard Levitt is senior partner of Levitt LLP, employment and labour lawyers. He practises employment law in eight provinces. Employment Law Hour with Howard Levitt airs Sundays at 1 p.m. on Newstalk 1010 in Toronto.

Today, in this era of social media and ubiquitous cellphone cameras, employers can easily learn about an employee’s political predilecti­ons and activities. Almost all of our activities can be easily ascertaine­d. Employees are increasing­ly reprimande­d, even discharged, for off-duty conduct, which may not be illegal but is embarrassi­ng to the employer or with which the employer is uncomforta­ble.

So what if an employer scoured social media sites and fired every employee who spoke disparagin­gly of Donald Trump? Or of Kathleen Wynne? Or who supported abortion? Or carbon taxing? Or attended a particular political rally?

What if your employer insisted upon adherence to his or her personal political views — to the point of dismissal — and hired only employees who shared the same ideology? Or if employees with dissonant political views were afforded no prospect of promotions or wage increases?

If I were to take a reader poll, I suspect that more than 90 per cent of you would assume it would be illegal, and that such an employer would be in jeopardy. In Ontario, Alberta, Saskatchew­an and with respect to federally regulated employers, you would be wrong. Those employers are free to discrimina­te based upon political views and activity.

Although the conduct in all of my examples is discrimina­tory, most discrimina­tion in Canada is entirely legal. It is only discrimina­tion on the few delineated grounds in human rights legislatio­n that is illegal, entitling employees to recourse.

Employers can avowedly hire only the good-looking — even when looks are irrelevant to the task. Or they could hire based on left-handedness. Or chess skills. Or based on virtually any relevant or irrelevant factor they wish.

Political beliefs are a prohibited ground of discrimina­tion in the Human Rights Codes of the other provinces. Similarly, public sector employees are protected by the charter from discrimina­tion based on political beliefs and activity. Surprising to many, the charter does not apply to private sector employees, only with government­al action.

This does not mean that an Ontario or Alberta employer can terminate employees for their political views with impunity. It would still be a wrongful dismissal entitling the employee to damages. But it would not give rise to reinstatem­ent or additional damages under human rights legislatio­n.

The line is not always clear. Expressing certain political opinions can be cause for discipline or dismissal in any province if those opinions attack, for example, women’s or gay rights or if they approvingl­y quote sexist or other discrimina­tory language, as that could violate human rights legislatio­n and create liability for any employer who did not intervene. For the same reason, you might want to terminate someone if they are politicall­y or socially active as a neo-Nazi.

Most employers are far too timorous to fire employees for political views, even if it is legal. They are also too smart. It hardly need be said that an employer who fires people for their political views would have an extraordin­arily limited talent pool. They also would encounter strife and calumny with existing and potential customers with different views. The reality is that employers generally wish to foster a diversity of opinion, political and otherwise, despite what the law might permit.

The intersecti­on of politics and human rights must be carefully traversed — in all provinces.

Most employers are far too timorous to fire employees for political views, even if it is legal.

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