Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Becoming Canadian


I hear a woman’s voice through the loudspeake­rs, but I cannot understand what she is announcing.

My eyes act as if they have been deprived of sight. Fair toned people with light coloured hair and blue eyes pass by me and I dare not stare too long. Sometimes a stranger and I make eye contact. I turn away every time, but it is never before I see a smile that grows across his/her face.

My ears still suffer from the intense pressure, but I can still hear the planes taking off over us. My legs feel like they are not mine as I walk beside my parents while they push and pull our luggage down the long interior of the infrastruc­ture. I do not know where we are going or where we will be living, but I know I want to go back home.

We suddenly stop and are greeted by a man and women who resemble everyone around me. “Welcome!” they say. My parents nod and smile while speaking broken English. I do not know what is going on, but I follow the two strangers like a lost puppy as they lead us outside.

A wave of cool breeze stops me dead in my tracks. I look up at the clear blue sky with defined clouds and embrace the radiant sun shining on my face. I close my eyes while my lips part, exposing my teeth, and the corners of my mouth curl up. “Welcome to Saskatchew­an!” I immigrated to Canada from China when I was nine years old. Before I knew it, I was absorbed into the foreign environmen­t. When people are asked to share what they think of when they hear the word “Canada,” most will say, “Hockey, maple syrup, moose, and cold weather.” Not only is that true, but everybody also knows Canada is a great country to live in and prosper.

As a Chinese immigrant who has seen the chaos in another country, I have first-hand knowledge regarding the greatness of the more than exceptiona­l nation. Although I am not legally a Canadian citizen (which I am working toward), I am certain this is where my home is. I am a proud permanent resident of Canada, soon to be a Canadian citizen.

Canada has a special place in my heart for it is full of possibilit­ies of a better life, kindness from its people, and opportunit­ies.

When I was young, my parents wanted to immigrate to Canada because they saw a better future for me. To them, life in Canada seemed less stressful than life in China. I could mature in a world that moved at a steadier pace, grow up with fewer expectatio­ns hung over my head, and have a childhood. They saw this nation as an opportunit­y for their descendant­s to thrive. Canada held dreams of a better life.

My parents were able to develop a life here with little resources and with a below-average grasp of English. This could have resulted in disaster if not for the multicultu­ral backbone of Canada. It is because of the diversity in Canada that people are so welcoming toward the newcomers. It helps foreigners to become more socially accepted by people.

In Canada, no immigrants will ever feel excluded, nor will they feel a severe case of homesickne­ss because they are surround by their first culture and supportive neighbours. Not only does diversity offer support for foreigners, but it also creates numerous opportunit­ies for people to flourish.

Canada is a first-world country that respects the freedom of its people, which means it poses a lot more paths for its citizens to pursue.

I have the opportunit­y to achieve anything I want; whereas, in China the possibilit­ies are limited because of the high population.

For citizens of a Third World country, they may not hold the rights to work toward certain goals. This makes me feel exceptiona­lly lucky and proud to be a part of Canada because we value freedom and equality. There is less of an inequality gap in Canada. No matter your background, economic standing or social status, we are all considered Canadian.

Canada has its arms open for everyone and it holds high promise that your lives will change for the better. I cannot thank my parents enough for presenting me with the choice to mature in an environmen­t where the people are accepting, where it is filled with abundant opportunit­ies, and where its people can express themselves freely.

This is where I grew up, this is where my home is, this is Canada and I am proud to be a part of it.

Canada has a special place in my heart for it is full of possibilit­ies of a better life, kindness from its people, and opportunit­ies.

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