Saskatoon StarPhoenix


Council backs anti-racism


Saskatoon city council still supports the city’s anti-racism campaign, but some question the attention on the message from one billboard featuring a white man acknowledg­ing “privilege and racist attitudes.”

Some say the campaign, including the billboard, has generated the conversati­on the initiative intended to produce.

Coun. Darren Hill questioned the focus by news media on a “select group of people” online who criticized the billboard featuring a white man’s image and his quote: “I need to acknowledg­e my own privilege and racist attitudes.”

Hill said Thursday many are assuming the message is being sent from the City of Saskatoon, but the quote is just the opinion shared by one resident. Hill said most of the feedback he has received has been supportive.

“The campaign is way more than one billboard,” Hill said in an interview. “We are learning that racism is still a major issue in our city.”

Hill encouraged residents to check out the entire campaign, including videos on the city’s website.

The I Am the Bridge campaign began in 2015 with an invitation to residents to share their stories about racism in the city. The campaign features billboards, bus ads and social media. About $21,800 has been spent on the campaign so far.

“Taking one small piece of a multimedia campaign is not how it was intended,” Coun. Hilary Gough said Thursday. “That’s part of the challenge of multimedia campaigns.”

Gough pointed out the campaign was not designed by city council, but by city hall administra­tion.

Council approved the campaign and had access to the material before the campaign was launched. But Coun. Randy Donauer admitted Thursday he did not see the billboard prior to its debut.

“We could have had a message that united all people from various background­s in our city against racism,” Donauer said in a text message. “Instead, we had a divisive message that created a schism.”

Coun. Cynthia Block said Thursday she supports the campaign, but wonders whether the message on the one billboard is having the opposite effect of what was intended.

“I worry that in this particular case, that stops conversati­on,” said Block, who sits on the city’s cultural diversity and race relations committee. “Hopefully, one billboard doesn’t derail all the good work that’s being done in Saskatoon.”

Acting Mayor Coun. Troy Davies said he has heard from residents both in favour and against the billboard’s message. He said he hopes city council will debate whether the campaign was effective at the next meeting on July 26.

“It did its job,” Davies said Thursday. “It did get people talking about this. Am I happy that we’re talking about this? Absolutely.”

Davies added the campaign was not intended to provoke anger and he understand­s why some people are offended. “I think a lot of people are just taking it personal. They say they don’t have privilege and they’re not racist.”

Coun. Ann Iwanchuk said she reviewed the images to be featured in the campaign and did not have any concerns.

“(The billboard) seems to be making some people nervous,” Iwanchuk said Thursday.

Coun. Sarina Gersher said the residents who came forward to take part in the campaign deserve credit for their courage and reminded people the initiative is about sharing individual­s’ stories. She said she’s heard from five residents who oppose the campaign.

“There’s certainly some frustratio­n, but I’ve had constructi­ve dialogue as well,” Gersher said.

Coun. Mairin Loewen said some discomfort is necessary to confront racism. “Having uncomforta­ble conversati­ons is a necessary piece of work if we want to dismantle racism in our community,” Loewen said Thursday.

She said it would be unfortunat­e if people focused solely on the one billboard.

“I don’t think this is the end of the story and that’s the good part,” Gough added. “It’s OK to talk about racism and we need to talk about racism.”

Having uncomforta­ble conversati­ons is a necessary piece of work if we want to dismantle racism in our community.

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 ?? LIAM RICHARDS ?? Acting Mayor Coun. Troy Davies says the anti-racism campaign — which includes billboards like this one on 51st Street — did its job and got people talking. However, one in particular is under fire for the resident’s quote: “I need to acknowledg­e my own...
LIAM RICHARDS Acting Mayor Coun. Troy Davies says the anti-racism campaign — which includes billboards like this one on 51st Street — did its job and got people talking. However, one in particular is under fire for the resident’s quote: “I need to acknowledg­e my own...

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