Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Friends rally for blinded guitarmake­r

Hope to raise $30,000 for treatment


Saskatoon musicians are banding together to support local guitarmake­r Darrell Pura of Pura Guitars.

His three adult children have started a Go Fund Me campaign in the hope of restoring his vision.

Within two months in the fall of 2016, Pura lost most of the sight in both eyes, possibly from a heart medication he was taking.

“It’s been really tough, mentally especially,” Pura said.

Unable to work over the past few months, he’s received calls from many of the customers he’s met over the last 20 years of guitar building and repair.

“I kind of feel bad I left a lot of them in the lurch.”

The vision loss was sudden. “You go to bed one day and it’s fine and three days later you can’t get around.”

Pura says he misses staying busy working on guitars and building cabinets.

“It’s hard to fill a day when you can’t see.”

The Go Fund Me notice, written by his children Steve, Dave and Christine, says, “Our family was devastated. Darrell is the one we go to for help with building projects, sports and family support. He is one of the most talented, smart, strong and interestin­g people we know. And now his life is turned upside down. In a span of a few days, he went from being a guitar builder, woodworker, carpenter ... to a man who cannot drive, work, read, build, golf or play catch with his grandchild­ren.”

Longtime customers John Antoniuk and Jen Lane call Pura an extremely valuable member of the Saskatoon music community.

“He always made time for us when we needed lastminute fixes or checkups, sometimes the week of a show or the night before a tour,” Antoniuk says.

He mentioned a guitar Pura gave Lane to try before heading to Vancouver to record the album For the Night in 2009.

“Needless to say, it made it onto every track and is Jen’s main guitar to this day. We get so many compliment­s on the guitar and her sound that we carry Darrell’s business cards to give away.”

The goal is to raise $30,000 to pay for medical treatment in Thailand in January that involves stem cells to regenerate the optic nerves. The treatment isn’t covered by Medicare.

“If Dad’s vision improves even slightly, it would change his life. We can’t wait to see him back in his workshop building and repairing the instrument­s of his many friends and customers in the music industry,” his children say.

More than $9,000 was raised in the first 12 hours of the campaign.

 ??  ?? Darrell Pura
Darrell Pura

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