Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Farmers hampered by lack of rain

Crops and hay fields struggle with dry conditions in southern part of province


The Davidsons are looking up, hoping for rain on their cattle ranch near Ponteix.

“I think I figured out that there’s maybe been like 12 (millimetre­s) of precipitat­ion so far this year, which really isn’t much at all. So that’s going to impact our hay for sure,” said Tara Davidson.

The southern portion of the province from west of Weyburn to as far north as Saskatoon has had a dry growing season so far this year. Crops and hay fields are struggling as producers wait for the rain to come.

“Within that (area) is where the driest conditions are and then marginal moisture conditions just beyond that,” said Brent Flaten, integrated pest management specialist with the Saskatchew­an Ministry of Agricultur­e.

Tara and her husband Ross were forced to start haying 10 days earlier than usual this year.

“Fingers crossed our yields aren’t as bad as what they probably could have been. But I mean it’s still definitely going to be a concern for anyone putting up green feed,” Tara said.

That being said, the couple may look into feeding their cattle with alternativ­e feed sources such as pellets.

As well, Tara is concerned about water quality issues in creeks and dugouts used to water cattle. Poor water quality can cause blindness, conception problems or a range of other health concerns in cattle.

The dry weather hasn’t been helpful for grain farmers either. Eric McPeek, who farms near Coronach, hasn’t had much rain on his farm.

“As far as developmen­t now (crops are) kind of in stress mode. It’s the drought and the blistering heat we’ve had and the wind. It’s kind of a bad combinatio­n of everything,” he said.

McPeek thinks his pulse crops may fair OK, but the canola and cereal crops, such as durum wheat, are going to struggle.

“(The durum is) knee height or lower and dropping its leaves because it’s basically just in rescue mode. We really don’t know what we’re going to get I guess,” he said.

The majority of the province received very little rain this week, ranging from hardly anything to 78 mm in the Nipawin area. However, in the Tisdale and Meadow Lake areas there has been some localized flooding causing damage to crops.

Twenty-six per cent of the fall cereals are in the dough stage while nine per cent of the spring cereals are in the heading stage. Two per cent of flax, 30 per cent of canola and mustard and 37 per cent of pulse crops are flowering.

Hay quality is rated at eight per cent excellent, 54 per cent good, 29 per cent fair and nine per cent poor.

Haying across Saskatchew­an is progressin­g with 19 per cent of the provincial hay crop cut and 10 per cent having been baled or put into silage.

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