Saskatoon StarPhoenix



The City of Saskatoon was right to put together the “I am the Bridge” campaign, targeting racism and seeking to start a discussion about the issue. It was not, however, reasonable to think the reaction from the public would not be divisive.

A total of $21,800 was spent on four billboards, 16 ads on Saskatoon Transit shelters and busses, alongside a video, social media efforts and an advertisin­g campaign in bars in the downtown and Broadway areas. One featuring a middle-aged white man and a quote saying, “I have to acknowledg­e my own privilege and racist attitudes,” has been the subject of the most criticism.

Lynne Lacroix, the city’s director of recreation and community developmen­t, said the aim of the message was not to offend but rather to “invoke conversati­on.” She said administra­tion is listening to public feedback for future campaigns, as the city wants to start a constructi­ve conversati­on on the issue, not a divisive one.

The truth is, however, that any discussion of racial issues in this city is going to be heated and will invite controvers­y. This shouldn’t dissuade future efforts by council and administra­tion to tackle the problem. Discomfort, and even anger, has always been part of progress on social issues.

A letter sent to The StarPhoeni­x this week was part of the protest.

“I refuse to sit idly by and be lectured and shamed by this city, with my own tax dollars, for something I have nothing to do with and cannot change,” the writer said.

We disagree with the view that non-Indigenous citizens of Saskatoon have nothing to do with fighting racism. This isn’t just about the past. It’s also about the present and the future.

As Chief Bobby Cameron of the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations told The StarPhoeni­x: “We have children to raise and that remains the common denominato­r for all races and religions. We all want to raise our children in a healthy environmen­t, a loving home, and we want all of our children to succeed in life.”

Right now, in Saskatoon and across Saskatchew­an, many First Nations children do not have the same advantages as other kids. As the provincial auditor pointed out in June, 42 per cent of Indigenous students graduate from Grade 12 within three years of turning 18. This compares unfavourab­ly to the non-Indigenous rate of 84.5 per cent. This statistic alone indicates the tougher road ahead that many Indigenous people face as they start out in life.

These billboards were successful in starting conversati­ons — and in moving people out of their comfort zones. This kind of action is necessary to ensure needed change in our city.

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