Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Eenie, meenie, miney ... and the Sask. Party caucus picks Moe

- MURRAY MANDRYK Murray Mandryk is the political columnist for the Regina Leader-Post.

Most of you likely don’t have a clue who Scott Moe is, but the response from his Saskatchew­an Party caucus colleagues to his leadership bid suggests he must be something like Brad Wall, Tommy Douglas and Walter Scott rolled into one.

Standing before a John Deere combine last Friday were no fewer than 22 MLAs — nearly half of the now 48-member government caucus — eager to push a virtual political unknown into the Saskatchew­an premier’s office.

All this for a guy who doesn’t have the cabinet experience of a Ken Cheveldayo­ff or Gord Wyant, the education of a Tina Beaudry-Mellor or the corporate governance experience of an Alanna Koch. Heck, Moe doesn’t even have the credential­s of Jeremy Harrison, who bowed out of the leadership race to support Moe.

Certainly, his political resume doesn’t stack up to Health Minister Jim Reiter, who not only gave him personal support, but pledged his entire campaign machinery and caucus support before he mysterious­ly removed himself from contention.

This is not necessaril­y a knock on Moe, who is a nice enough guy. But as advanced education and environmen­t minister — where his biggest claim to fame seems to be a lukewarm commitment to the concept of manmade global warming, and an intense detestatio­n for a carbon tax — he hasn’t exactly been a political dynamo.

So what are all those caucus members who gathered in front of that combine seeing in Moe that the rest of us are not? Hmmm … in front of the combine … or yes … got it.

As one clever wag I work with put it, “The Sask. Party is circling the tractors.”

If you haven’t been paying much attention, devout support of rural Saskatchew­an is the theme of the leadership race so far.

Koch had her announceme­nt at a farm outside Regina. Cheveldayo­ff — born and raised in Blaine Lake — choose the theme “rural roots and urban strong.” And even Beaudry-Mellor and Wyant (who had Agricultur­e Minister Lyle Stewart and party founder June Draude at his kickoff ) are paying special homage to rural Sask. Party voters.

There are practical reasons for this.

Notwithsta­nding the inroads made in the four largest cities in the past two elections, rural Saskatchew­an is where the Sask. Party membership remains strongest.

Moreover, after being ignored in virtually every provincial campaign since 1999 (the NDP virtually conceded defeat in rural ridings), it’s actually nice to see the rural areas finally receive some political interest.

But that doesn’t perfectly explain why 22 MLAs showed up for Moe’s sendoff — all but five of whom (including Regina’s Kevin Doherty, who was also expected to run for leader) are rural MLAs.

Much of what’s going on does seem to be driven by a need for the rural caucus members (17 of which are now supporting Moe) to make one great last stand on purely rural issues like farm input sales taxes, highways spending, support for the rural area in education and health care, rural municipali­ties and the preservati­on of SARM ... plus broader issues like the federal carbon tax.

Based on Moe’s so-far-extremely-light policy pronouncem­ents plus his ample support from the Sask. Party establishm­ent, it’s clear the former-Reiter-and-now-Moe camp want the status quo of Premier Brad Wall’s government.

Certainly, the caucus show of strength at Moe’s kickoff was a loud statement it does not want any further perceived movement to the liberal-left that they see coming from Wyant (who could be a contender) or Beaudry-Mellor (who won’t be).

But to their credit, Moe’s camp does differ from Koch’s support, which is in the upper echelons of the Sask. Party government/ executive council and SP-related business urban types who may eventually wear the Global Transporta­tion Hub and other Bill Boyd controvers­ies.

In the bizarre way in which we are picking our next Saskatchew­an premier, Moe just happens to be rural and the buddy to many caucus types who now best fits the bill.

Out of nowhere, he has been picked as a contender.

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