Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Conservati­on officers trespassed, say First Nations leaders

Pursuit of U.S. hunters sparks outcry after crossing onto Lucky Man land


A routine compliance check has sparked outcry from First Nations leaders, after conservati­on officers ventured onto the lands of the Lucky Man First Nation without seeking permission.

On Tuesday, two provincial conservati­on officers were following tracks through freshly fallen snow. The tracks led across Lucky Man territory, about 20 kilometres north of Hafford northwest of Saskatoon, and through a neighbouri­ng wildlife conservati­on area.

The officers decided to check on some American hunters and an outfitter, to ensure they were staying within the area where they were authorized to hunt. That took them a few hundred metres onto Lucky Man land. For the band’s chief, Crystal Okemow, that was “trespassin­g.”

She said the officers made no effort to contact the band leadership, and even damaged property.

“For them to drive onto Lucky Man (land), to ruin hunting trails and bush blinds, that’s vandalism,” she said.

Okemow’s concerns quickly worked their way up to the Federation of Sovereign Indigenous Nations leadership. Vice-chief Heather Bear, who holds the FSIN lands and resources portfolio, said the incident shows “disrespect” for treaty rights. Citing an agreement with the provincial government instructin­g officers to seek consent, she said First Nations were “outright lied to.”

“That was an agreement and it was breached by the province,” Bear said.

But Ken Aube, the Ministry of Environmen­t’s chief of enforcemen­t, said officers were just following policy. In some cases, he said, waiting for permission could undercut the whole point of an investigat­ion.

The agreement Bear mentioned provides exceptions for those situations, as well as cases where officers can’t reach the band’s contact person.

“Conservati­on officers are authorized and guided by case law and policy that supports entry onto First Nations land to conduct their duties,” Aube said.

“First Nations lands aren’t enclaves and federal and provincial law still apply.”

That interpreta­tion doesn’t sit well with Okemow, who claims Lucky Man’s chief and council have “total jurisdicti­on over their nation.”

“We’re a sovereign nation within a nation,” she said. “And that has to be acknowledg­ed, respected and recognized.”

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