Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Pharmacy focuses on mental health patients


REGINA As one of two psychiatri­c pharmacist­s in Saskatchew­an, Melanie McLeod is a passionate advocate for patients with mental health disorders and “a dream come true” for Regina psychiatri­sts.

“I work with a lot of patients that have severe and persistent mental illness,” McLeod said. “That includes patients with schizophre­nia, bipolar disorder and many patients with anxiety or major depressive disorders.”

After receiving her pharmacy degree from the University of Saskatchew­an, McLeod underwent an additional four years of education to get her doctorate of pharmacy through the University of Toronto and then wrote an American board certificat­ion exam in psychiatry.

She noted it’s well documented in the literature that mentalheal­th patients don’t have the same access to primary care as patients not suffering from psychologi­cal illness.

Dr. Mohamed Eisa, section head of in-patient psychiatry in Regina, said a community pharmacy that provides services specifical­ly for patients with psychologi­cal disorders has been needed for a long time. “It is honestly a dream come true,” he said. “I practised in England before coming here, and even there we didn’t have that service.”

Psychiatri­c medication­s are an integral part of treatment for people with serious mental illness.

Eisa noted McLeod helps patients navigate the health system to make sure the cost of their medication is covered, monitors them to ensure they take their drugs regularly and watches for side effects.

“They consistent­ly communicat­e with the team — specifical­ly if they have concerns — and we see the patient as soon as possible,” he said.

The Vital Care Pharmacy’s extended hours during the week and on weekends make it more convenient for patients to get injectable drugs, which previously were only available at the mental-health clinic and hospital.

McLeod works closely with psychiatri­sts who send her patients not responding to medication­s or having side effects. “Quite honestly, psychiatri­c medication­s can be quite complicate­d,” McLeod said.

Part of her job entails helping patients who can’t afford their prescribed medication­s. Many psychiatri­c drugs are expensive and not all physicians are aware of resources patients can access to reduce the cost. Employed by the Saskatchew­an Health Authority, McLeod cares for patients at the mental-health clinic and the General Hospital’s psychiatri­c ward.

She worked as a hospital pharmacist for years before furthering her education. On her return to Regina, McLeod couldn’t find employment in the pharmacy department while maintainin­g her interest in mental health.

She credits Lorri Carlson, executive director of Mental Health and Addictions Services with the Regina Qu’Appelle Health Region, for hiring her in 2009.

Working with patients and teaching psychiatry residents, her plate was full. Twice she put in proposals to the RQHR to add another psychiatri­c pharmacist. Both requests were denied because of budgetary constraint­s.

That’s when McLeod decided to create a team of community mental-health pharmacist­s. In March, she and her husband opened Vital Care Pharmacy, located near the Regina General Hospital.

Owning the pharmacy lessened her workload as store pharmacist­s handle the drug coverage paperwork for many patients.

“Part of the reason I opened the pharmacy was to increase capacity so there would be other pharmacist­s with an interest and skill set in this area to help with some of the workload and are located in the community,” McLeod said.

The pharmacy fills all types of prescripti­ons, but it specialize­s in mental illness. Pharmacist­s provide injections for patients with mental illness and other conditions. “It could be for schizophre­nia or bipolar disorder or it could be for a transgende­r patient that’s going through a process of change that requires hormone injections,” McLeod said. “It could also be for somebody who is going through the challenges of infertilit­y.”

Many transgende­r patients have difficulty getting injections because of stigma, she said.

“Their family physicians might not feel comfortabl­e or pharmacies typically only give injections in the arm and many have to be given in the hip,” McLeod said.

The pharmacy employs two full-time pharmacist­s in addition to McLeod, who works part-time.

“We really focus on having no stigma here,” she said. “That’s a deal breaker when hiring staff .... A lot of our patients are not treated well, and a lot of times it’s just their illness. When they encounter barriers, they just decide, ‘I’m not going to take my medication­s.’ ” That starts a vicious cycle. “Patients are admitted to hospital and utilize resources — unfortunat­ely, I’ve seen this cycle too many times,” she said.

Her pharmacy is the first of its kind in Saskatchew­an.

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Melanie McLeod

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