Saskatoon StarPhoenix


It’s a rare astronomic­al event that might be worth climbing on your roof to observe


Do you know what was happening in 1866? In 1866, the first daylight robbery of a U.S. bank occurred. Jesse James was implicated. In 1866, Rev. James Nisbett establishe­d a mission in what would become Prince Albert. The Canadian parliament met for the first time in Ottawa. And America had its eye on Canada with the Annexation Bill. We could have been completely eclipsed by the United States.

None of these events is connected in any way. However, they did take place the same year there was a super blue blood moon. When is the next one? Wednesday!

Super blue blood moon. No, it’s not the name of a cool band. But it is rocking my world. First, there’s a lunar eclipse. The earth’s shadow drapes the moon when it gets between the sun and the moon.

A lunar eclipse must be the most audience-friendly astronomic­al event of them all. You don’t have to listen to dire warnings of going blind if you look at it. Just stare and be amazed.

And this particular lunar eclipse is the Cadillac Escalade of eclipses. It comes with all the options. It’s a total eclipse, for starters. That’s where the “blood” part comes in. The moon will have an orangey-red glow. And the super part is because it’s at its closest point to earth on its monthly orbit. The blue part is because it’s the second full moon this month.

These three events aren’t rare in themselves — there are two full moons in March, for instance. But all three at the same time? You’d have to get Jesse James to fill you in on the details, and he ain’t talking.

When a great celestial event occurs, it always seems to be on the other side of the world. Some announcer will get you all excited and then say, “The bla-bla, of the bla-bla, will be visible only in Eastern Africa.” Even last summer’s partial solar eclipse (70 per cent, big deal) was a downer here — no eerie daytime blackout, no looting.

But we’re in the right place at the right time for Wednesday’s SBBM.

“We’ll be able to see most of the eclipse from Saskatoon,” Stan Shadick, an honest-to-goodness astronomer from the University of Saskatchew­an, told me.

Now, I have to admit that talking to an astronomer about something as simple as a lunar eclipse is a bit like getting parallel parking tips from a Formula One driver.

In fact, Professor Shadick burst my bubble about so-called supermoons. The moon does look bigger but by an average of only seven per cent. “That is a really tiny effect,” he said. So, it’s mainly hype — I’m guessing the supermoon has an excellent press agent.

I didn’t trouble the astronomer with a few other questions I had. Such as: Will the world end? According to the Book of Joel, “The sun will turn into darkness and the moon into blood before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.” But if the sun turns into darkness, the moon will be invisible, so ... Will I get a better view standing on my roof? I’m guessing yes. And any excuse to stand on the roof is a good one. Will there be more werewolves? Again, just assuming, no more than usual. How many copies of Goodnight Moon have been printed? Almost 50 million since 1947. How many parents have thought, “I could write this crap, there’s nothing to it” while reading Goodnight Moon? Almost 50 million since 1947. Is syzygy the coolest word ever? Yes. The Greek-based word for ‘being paired together’ describes the sun, earth and moon in line. What if it’s cloudy? If it’s cloudy, I’m jumping off my roof.

 ?? BRYAN SCHLOSSER/FILES ?? People in Saskatoon will be able to see most of the super blue blood moon that will occur on Wednesday.
BRYAN SCHLOSSER/FILES People in Saskatoon will be able to see most of the super blue blood moon that will occur on Wednesday.
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