Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Province may freeze transfer payments: minister


If the economy bounces back, sales tax revenue will once again pour into provincial coffers.

But it might not reach Saskatchew­an’s cities, after a cabinet minister proposed a freeze in transfer payments to municipali­ties.

Newly installed Government Relations Minister Warren Kaeding spoke at the Saskatchew­an Urban Municipali­ties Associatio­n’s annual meeting on Tuesday, a day after Premier Scott Moe told delegates he wants to restore “collaborat­ion.” The premier promised to work with cities and towns to design a new municipal revenue sharing formula.

The program transfers one percentage point of PST revenue to municipali­ties, and rises, mathematic­ally, with the value of sales in the economy.

Kaeding echoed Moe in promising to put the formula “under a microscope” during the next year. But he gave the delegates more specifics on how much money they ’ll get in the meantime. He said he wants to freeze the payments at their 2018 level until 2020, essentiall­y suspending the operation of the formula.

“It is my intention to recommend that the revenue sharing funding levels for 2019 and 2020 remain the same as in 2018 and 2019, which would be $241.1 million,” he said.

That’s $16.7 million less than what municipali­ties saw in the 2017-18 fiscal year. Any changes to the program will take effect in 2020-2021 and beyond, he said.

The minister said the move will grant municipali­ties “stable and predictabl­e funding levels” while they work out a new formula for the program.

Regina Mayor Michael Fougere said that’s likely to cost that city, which is forecastin­g an economic recovery — and hence higher PST revenues — going forward.

“We’ve missed an opportunit­y for growth of revenue under the current model,” he said. “So what we gain is predictabi­lity, but we potentiall­y lose revenue, and that’s a concern.”

Regina Coun. Barbara Young said she has heard “nothing good” over the course of the convention. She said Tuesday ’s announceme­nt calls into question Moe’s promise to consult.

Fougere tried to dial back the tone, saying he’s pleased with the premier’s commitment, but he seemed equally disappoint­ed with Kaeding ’s announceme­nt.

“They’ve said they’re going to consult, but they’ve made some initial decisions that will have impact on all municipali­ties, rural and urban, right across the province,” the mayor said.

Regina Coun. Jason Mancinelli said it seems like Kaeding wants to “lock in” the payments when the province is at the bottom of an economic trough.

“You can only contract so far,” he said. “It’s going to be lost revenue in my eyes.”

Immediatel­y after Kaeding’s speech, SUMA president Gordon Barnhart pressed the minister on another detail. In the last budget, the province expanded PST to cover a wider range of goods and services. But Barnhart said municipali­ties aren’t seeing any part of that.

Fougere and the Regina councillor­s agreed that’s a major concern. Coun. Bob Hawkins said it suggests cities aren’t getting the one percentage point they’re entitled to. The province, he suggested, has altered the formula “unilateral­ly.”

That’s sure to come up in negotiatio­ns as the province reworks the program. The premier has said he wants the program to be “fair” and “equitable.” According to Hawkins, it has a long way to go.

Urban municipali­ties, he claimed, get less than half of what rural municipali­ties receive on a per-capita basis — about $440 vs. $220 for each resident.

He called it “an inequality that needs to be addressed.” When asked if he thinks the government, with its largely rural base, will be open to making a change, Hawkins was typically blunt:

“It depends on whether the negotiatio­n is a real negotiatio­n or a sham negotiatio­n,” he said.

 ?? TROY FLEECE ?? Regina Mayor Michael Fougere, from second left, Regina councillor­s Bob Hawkins, Barbara Young and Andrew Stevens received an update on provincial transfer payment plans at the SUMA convention Tuesday.
TROY FLEECE Regina Mayor Michael Fougere, from second left, Regina councillor­s Bob Hawkins, Barbara Young and Andrew Stevens received an update on provincial transfer payment plans at the SUMA convention Tuesday.

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