Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Want kids to clean up? Teach them early


Originally published in 2013.

Dear Annie: This is in response to “Tired in Rural Oregon,” whose kids are slobs and whose husband doesn’t care. I told my kids if they didn’t pick up their messes, I would hire a “maid.” One day, they came home to a clean, organized house. I said the “maid” had come. When I handed out my children’s allowance for the week, I took back the money it cost to hire the “maid.” I then told them that the “maid” was going to the mall to buy herself something really nice. I came home with a new top and thanked my kids for making the “maid” so happy.

From then on, I just had to remind my kids that if they didn’t pick up after themselves, I would hire the “maid” again. Honolulu Housewife

Dear Honolulu: We love it. Here’s more:

From Louisiana: My psychologi­st said, “You teach people how to treat you.” This starts when your children are born. A parent has to tolerate poor behaviour from the beginning, or their children would not expect to get away with such deplorable actions.

Illinois: Nagging is not part of a parent’s job. At an early age, parents should instil in the child what is proper and correct. There are developmen­tal tasks that a person learns throughout life, and if those tasks are not learned at the critical points, it becomes much more difficult. The parent is not a buddy, but a person who is due respect and obedience. “Tired” should count the days until the kids are 18, and if they don’t shape up, invite them to ship out.

Georgia: We got our teens to help with chores by making sure their chores were done as a condition for getting to use the car on the weekend.

Missouri: When our children reached the age of 10, they were told to pick up their clothes, make their beds, put their dishes in the dishwasher, help set the table and do other tasks. There was no nagging. If my son didn’t put his dirty clothes in the hamper, I simply picked them up, folded them and put them back in his drawers. His breakfast was served on the same dishes he had not placed in the dishwasher the night before. If he didn’t put his towels in the laundry, they were used until they could walk on their own. Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column.

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