Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Advocate praises plan to modernize cycling bylaw


The co-chair of Saskatoon Cycles is applauding the City of Saskatoon’s progress on updating its cycling bylaw.

Cathy Watts said Monday she was pleased many of the changes recommende­d by Saskatoon Cycles were embraced by city hall administra­tion and endorsed by council’s transporta­tion committee.

Saskatoon Cycles produced a 33-page report suggesting changes such as removing the requiremen­t that cyclists dismount before passing a pedestrian on a walkway on one of the bridges.

Watts pointed out dismountin­g and then passing a pedestrian would prove difficult.

“It’s like having a rule that could never be enforced, so it’s ridiculous to have it,” Watts said in an interview.

A city report embraces most of the recommenda­tions made by Saskatoon Cycles, while rejecting a couple of them.

Saskatoon Cycles had suggested the requiremen­t that all bicycles have a bell or horn is outdated and asked for a removal of the blanket ban on cycling on sidewalks. Saskatoon Cycles had sought an exemption for those younger than 12 on sidewalks and allowing riding on sidewalks to avoid unsafe conditions on roadways.

The report suggests bells or horns remain mandatory for cyclists, who must sound them before overtaking a pedestrian on a trail or shared pathway.

The city ’s response on sidewalks points out those under 12 cannot be convicted of a bylaw infraction and provides an exemption for sidewalk use provided there is a sign indicating it is allowed.

A 25-kilogram limit for loads on bicycles is likely to be replaced by language that prohibits loads that interfere with the operation of a bike. A rule that bans more than one person on a bicycle also stands to be replaced by language that connects the number of passengers to the design of the bike.

The city plans to introduce a revised cycling bylaw next January and follow it up with an education campaign next spring.

Watts said the education is important since “nobody ” knows current cycling rules.

“I really want to see the education at the end,” she said.

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