Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Docherty beats 6 other MLAs to be named new Speaker


Mark Docherty, the MLA REGINA from Regina Coronation Park, has been selected the Speaker for Saskatchew­an’s legislativ­e assembly.

First elected in 2011, he defeated six others in a lengthy process to select a new Speaker.

The job became available when former Speaker Corey Tochor resigned to seek a nomination, which he won this month, to run for a federal seat under the Conservati­ve Party of Canada banner.

Docherty previously served as the Minister of Parks, Culture and Sport. He’s well-liked, and respected, by members on both side of the assembly.

His infectious­ly positive attitude, especially as someone who battles multiple sclerosis, is welcomed by many who see him daily around the Legislativ­e Building.

An example of that was seen moments after going through the customary “reluctant” drag to the Speaker’s chair by the leaders’ of both parties — upon taking the chair, Docherty looked at the three-cornered, pirate-like hat adorned by the Speaker and joked, “This is why I ran.”

Before becoming an MLA, he had a long career in communityb­ased organizati­ons. He worked at the Paul Dojack Youth Centre and was the director of Dales House, which offers services to troubled youth through Street Culture Kids Project Inc.

A holder of three degrees, he also taught at the University of Regina. An avid athlete, Docherty has played competitiv­e lacrosse, rugby and handball and has competed in triathlons around the world.

He defeated the Saskatchew­an Party ’s Glen Hart, Delbert Kirsch, Warren Michelson, Colleen Young and Eric Olauson and Danielle Chartier from the NDP to become the Speaker.

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