Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Roseanne returns in a big way

And Roseanne makes a much-ballyhooed TV sitcom return, Chris Lackner writes.

- @chrislackn­er79


Big releases (March 29): Ready Player One.

Big picture: Ready Player One is Hunger Games meets TRON meets The Matrix … meets Steven Spielberg asleep with his head on the keyboard of the CGI machine. Based on yet another dystopian novel, this PG undertakin­g is set in 2045 — a chaotic world on the cusp of falling apart. (Speaking of which … Hey 2018! Have you looked at yourself in the mirror lately?) Thankfully, humanity has found an escape in the OASIS, a sophistica­ted, virtual-reality universe that makes the internet look like a notepad.

OASIS’s eccentric founder pledges to leave his digital kingdom to whomever can find the equivalent of a “golden ticket” in his cyberverse. Enter young hero Wade Watts (Tye Sheridan), who joins the treasure hunt and quickly finds himself in a dangerous, fantastica­l world where anything is possible — including a lot of ugly, creative ways to perish. Spielberg directs this reality and mind-bending venture. The OASIS is like Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory run by sociopathi­c Oompa Loompa hackers.

Forecast: Spielberg is always on game — even when adapting mediocre material.


Big events: Roseanne (March 27, CTV/ABC); Splitting Up Together (March 27, ABC/CTV Two); Alex, Inc. (March 28, NBC/CTV Two); Jesus Christ Superstar Live! (April 1, NBC).

Big picture: It’s comedy week. Roseanne Conner returns — and Dan Conner returns from the dead — as the cherished, 1990s blue-collar sitcom comes back to life with more episodes. Roseanne Barr, John Goodman, Sara Gilbert, Laurie Metcalf and Sarah Chalke headline the cast once again. Expect pro-Trump one-liners (rare for Hollywood), rekindled sitcom chemistry and that devilish, manic, signature laugh.

Meanwhile, the creator of Suburgator­y (Emily Kapnek) has a new, single-camera comedy about divorcees who reignite their relationsh­ip while sharing their family home. Each week, one is the “on-duty” parent and the other leads a bachelor life living in the garage. What could possibly go wrong? Jenna Fischer and Oliver Hudson co-star.

Also, Zach Braff stars as a 37-year-old dad — and recovering radio journalist — who risks it all to create a podcast startup company in Alex, Inc. Presumably, he finds himself competing with … essentiall­y EVERYONE else on the internet. Good luck, buddy.

Finally, Jesus Christ Superstar Live in Concert stars rocker Alice Cooper as King Herod. John Legend plays Jesus. (Enough said.)

Forecast: Anytime three new sitcoms look promising, we’re laughing.


Big releases on March 30: Kacey Musgraves (Golden Hour); Kate Nash (Yesterday Was Forever); Lindi Ortega (Liberty).

Big picture: Three strong female artists with new material. Musgraves plays more with country gal convention­s — in the spirit of her 2013 debut Same Trailer, Different Park. On a promising note, her idol Willie Nelson has been an influence on her singing style (hopefully that does not cross over into her hairstyle or lifestyle).

Meanwhile, Ortega continues to imbue new country with old country. Ortega is like Dolly Parton’s vocals meets alt-country attitude and style. Her dark, Western-infused single,

The Comeback Kid, brings old, avenging tales of gunslingin­g cowboys into the modern era.

Also, actress-musician Kate Nash (GLOW) heads back to the studio with a Kickstarte­r-funded album. Who needs major labels — or any labels — these days? Certainly not Kate.

Forecast: Liberate your playlist by adding Ortega’s new album (and all her previous releases, while you’re at it). On a side note, I predict I’ll soon start a Kickstarte­r campaign to simultaneo­usly fund my new dystopian novel, podcast company and debut experiment­al-music album. (I write a newspaper column. What can I say? I need to hedge my bets on other forms of revenue in the future).

 ?? WENN.COM ?? Tye Sheridan is the young hero in Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One — a mind-bending venture into a chaotic dystopian future run as a video game.
WENN.COM Tye Sheridan is the young hero in Steven Spielberg’s Ready Player One — a mind-bending venture into a chaotic dystopian future run as a video game.

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