Saskatoon StarPhoenix

Fire bell knocks Wyant’s train of thought off track


Saskatchew­an politics is filled with random events that don’t make headlines. In this weekly feature, political reporter D.C. Fraser shares some of those stories.


During Monday’s question period the fire alarm in the legislativ­e assembly rang for a short period of time. Deputy premier Gord Wyant was on his feet to answer a question from the Opposition NDP when it started. He did his best to carry on, but finally conceded to the ringing.

“I’ve lost my train of concentrat­ion,” he told Speaker Mark Docherty.

Docherty, who is still new in his role, was equally baffled as to what to do.

“I have no idea. OK, what do we do? We wait it out? Can we recess? Can we recess? We’ll recess while we check out the buzzer.”

Moments later the bell stopped ringing and Wyant was up on his feet again with his concentrat­ion train firmly back on track.

NDP MLA Warren McCall didn’t let the opportunit­y pass when he next rose to his feet, telling the Speaker: “I’ve heard a lot of talk about pants being on fire over the years, but that’s the first time I’ve ever seen that government set off the fire alarm.”


During a debate last week, Kelvington-Wadena MLA Hugh Nerlien referred to NDP MLA, the party’s former interim leader Nicole Sarauer, as “Norma new girl.”

I haven’t had the chance to ask Nerlien what he was referencin­g, but it was pointed out to him on social media that referring to an adult female in 2018 as a “girl” isn’t profession­al. Word is he apologized, but the incident prompted former NDP caucus employee Eric Bell to tweet: “Hey fellow dudes, wanna know what it’s like being a woman in politics? #WeNeedtoEl­ectMoreWom­en.”


I’m a fan of politics, but I’ll concede that watching the legislativ­e process isn’t always entertaini­ng — but at least there’s still a decent-sized crowd watching the proceeding­s live.

But that wasn’t the case one day this week. In a rare moment, the handful of reporters watching from the press gallery outnumbere­d the bodies present in the public galleries.


Those watching question period on Wednesday would have seen Attorney General Don Morgan’s humour and wit on display. Debate usually involves a few daggers thrown in for good measure, and such was the case when Morgan responded to a question about potential meetings last weekend over the future of the Global Transporta­tion Hub.

He told the assembly, “Mr. Speaker, I was doing a turkey fundraiser, and we sell turkeys to raise money for my constituen­cy. And, Mr. Speaker, when I was delivering those turkeys, I thought, wonder how the NDP are doing?”

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